Saturday, January 18, 2025


James Joseph Fire Apologetics, Prophecy, Bible teacher, pastor/elder of SHINE BRIGHT Church in Tucson, AZ. James Fire was born on AUG 27, 1962 in Syracuse, NY to an average Roman Catholic Italian family of six. He faced a lot of physical struggles with deformities and poor health for much of his childhood. Being a weakling and ‘different looking’ he was often the object of ridicule and bullying. Having barely escaped death twice before he was 10 years old, his mother told him, “God has you alive for a PURPOSE!” He was very religious and felt a closeness or a yearning to be close to God, but went astray in his search for spiritual reality by exploring and practicing the occult – and used his ability to fight back against the bullies. Eventually he left the occult and pursued the Bible in a last desperate attempt to find his “purpose” and on June 20, 1980, in the privacy of his bedroom, he accepted Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior and was born again (To read his testimony go to this link Can I Get A Witness on FROM the MIND of FIRE). In OCT of 1993 he, along with two friends after much prayer, moved from New York to Arizona, where he lives today, ministering to the saints in church with sermons, Bible teaching, and Discipleship classes. He writes for the website The TRUTH Under FIRE ( two blogs (links for these found on TTUF): FROM the MIND of FIRE and The RED PILL Consortium.