– A Disclosure of the Demonic Devices of Deception: Part FOUR In This Series
By James Fire
In the previous article (Part THREE) we saw a video with the late Dr. Michael Heiser who addressed one of many peculiarities about these “aliens” – that any time someone was in process of being abducted, the event promptly ceased if the abductee cried out for help in the name of JESUS. And the “aliens” don’t return.
If these were genuine extraterrestrial biological entities, why would they be afraid of the Person of Jesus Christ? An important question! If you missed the video, check it out:
ALIENS and DEMONS: Evidence of An Unseen Realm – A Documentary Film
Dr. Heiser also asked a question about the similarities of UFO abductees and Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) victims. He counted more than twenty similarities between these two phenomenon. So there is a likely connection between these two; in fact, as discerning Christians, we understand that they are one and the same – aliens and demons in their natures – and their influences on humanity (a list I composed myself of these later on).
Also from Part THREE:
Dr. Vallee sees these objects (UFOs) as ‘windows’ into another [paranormal? spiritual?] dimension, thus he states that these vessels and the beings that ‘pilot’ them are inter-dimensional, rather than extra-terrestrial in origin. He even goes so far as to assert that much of the experiences and influences subject to abductees are very similar, if not parallel to those of demonic possession!
Dr. Vallee proposes that there is a genuine UFO phenomenon, which is associated with a form of nonhuman consciousness [fallen angels and demons, right?] that manipulates space and time. The phenomenon has been active throughout human history and seems to masquerade in various forms to different cultures.
In his opinion, this group has a highly militaristic organizational hierarchy [Can someone say “principalities and powers” as in EPHESIANS 6:12?], which attempts to influence and guide human societal views *, by often relaying erroneous information to humans with whom they interact.
*It’s quite interesting that these beings are attempting (and with no small amount of success!) to “influence and guide human societal views”. Much of this influence resorts to the compulsion for a ‘greener’ conscience re: ecological views, other influences fall within the religious realm, and the ‘oneness’ of all, and of God (Whomever you deem Him/Her/It to be) which is monistic pantheism, a belief found predominantly in Hindu/Buddhist/New Age belief systems. And how long will it be before these beings overtly support and promulgate the need for a one world government?
These aliens claim that they’ve traveled from a far distant star, or galaxy, to deliver their message to us people of Earth; but it’s the same message already proclaimed by Hindus, Buddhists, Native American Indian Tribes, Occultists, New Age proponents. Why waste such a long distance trip to declare an already known message?
Some might say, “To endorse and ratify, or even enforce it.”
Judging the veracity of any religious dogma must be based on truth – and where do we find truth (which cannot contradict itself)? Every religion in the world contradicts the others, so one must examine them individually and (hopefully) discover what I like to call “the exclusive truth source” – the Holy Bible: the only book that declares salvation is not by works, but by grace: not by achieving higher levels of consciousness through various mystical meditation techniques, not by believing that we are “one with creation/GOD”, not by evolving into higher forms of life, not by taking care of the environment – all of these tenets are rampant in the UFO and New Age cults.
The Bible is the only book in existence that dares to claim to perfectly predict the future before it happens, and its track record (unlike any other book with their hit and miss predictions – mostly miss) is 100% accurate.
Scripture talks about “doctrines of demons” and “seducing spirits” which have done a most remarkable job in promulgating said doctrines throughout the Occult, Secret Societies, Esoteric organizations and brought it all into the church of Jesus Christ, to the point where we see yoga taught there, eastern meditation techniques, reiki, crystal energy. All manner of beliefs and practices that are wholly unbiblical.
“UFO cults are groups that deal with alleged communication (via telepathy and astral projection) between humans and extraterrestrial beings.” These groups been in existence longer than I suspected:
The I AM Religious Activity founded in 1930, and the Aetherius Society founded nearly at the same time:
~ Download this pdf The UFO Contact Movement from 1950s to the Present that accounts for many of these bizarre encounters (either by physical or psychic means).
The Ashtar Command, founded in 1952. (interesting name – a pagan goddess!)
Unarius, founded in 1954.* [Message From Unarians We Are Not Alone]
Urantia, also started in the 50’s.
The One World Family – 1967
The Universal Mind Church – 1968
The Mark Age Metacenter – 1970
The Solar Light Center – ?
The Solar Cross Foundation – 1978 (terminated)
The Earth Mission Interplanetary Outreach – ?
More recently the group known as Raelism founded in the 1970’s and the infamous Heaven’s Gate Cult and the Order of the Solar Temple in 1997.
There are those who believe “Scientology is a UFO religion, due to its Xenu cosmogony and the presence of Space opera in Scientology* doctrine”.
*An interesting connection between a belief system like Scientology that believes Extraterrestrials are real, and ties its founder L. Ron Hubbard to his mentor, NASA scientist Jack Parsons. They were once part of the same occult group (Society of Thelema, founded by the notorious Aleister Crowley). Hubbard broke away from that group to write his landmark book Dianetics and start up a group of his own, Scientology.
Are there parallels between the teachings of the occult and those of our ‘Space Brothers” as received by the adherents of various UFO religions?
The typical UFO cult believes that “life here, began out there – among the stars” (To quote a line from the 70’s TV show Battlestar Galactica) in a phenomenon known as “directed panspermia”. This is the so-called intentional seeding of life on planet Earth by a far more advanced (and presumably benevolent) alien intelligence that would seem god-like to primitive man, and that they are the progenitors of the different human races. The same belief is held by the Theosophical Society (Quite the esoteric group!) with their beliefs of “Ascended Masters” – some of which could be credited with starting, (under the direction of “The Divine Being”) the epic of planet Earth and the creation of the various races:
1) Amansa (2) Hyberborean (3) Lemurian (4) Atlantean (5) Aryan
6) This Sixth Root race will “be rapidly growing out of its bonds of matter and even of flesh” (from The Secret Doctrine by Blavatsky).
7) This Seventh Root race will be “more ethereal than the sixth. Great adepts and initiated ascetics “will once more produce Mind-born immaculate Sons…”
This idea of various races, some more advanced than others, also suits the theory of evolution, which on some level suggests superiority of some ethnicities over other ethnicities.
These UFO cults claim that alien intelligences are responsible for sending “40 Elohim/human hybrids who have served as prophets, preparing humanity for news about their origins. Among them are the Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad with Rael (of Raelism, noted previously) himself being the 40th and final prophet.
The overall message from Rael (and others) in regards to human technology, is that “…we must learn to harness and use technology responsibly [when they witnessed human beings using the A-bombs in Japan]. Once accomplished then ‘Elohim’ will return to Earth and share their technology with humanity and establish a utopia.”
The above information has been gleaned from Wikipedia.
Additionally UFO cults believe the aliens are guiding our evolution to the development of psychic powers and Higher Consciousness and evolving towards homo noeticus (“When we are in tune with a consciousness of the Cosmos, w become members of a new species” – Psychiatrist Richard M. Bucke in his book Cosmic Consciousness).
Should you decide to check out more on New Age Thought and its connection with UFO “Space Brothers”, assuring us that “we have nothing to fear from them”, you can listen to this radio program from Wellington, NZ, that read from the book The Gathering of the Forces of Light by Benjamin Crème.
Crème, a renowned New Ager that some have called the “John the Baptist” of the New Age who was to herald the Coming of the Christ – the World Teacher. His Share International organization in April of 1982 sponsored full page ads in major newspapers around the world (that must have cost a tidy sum!) to make the announcement “The Christ Is Now Here”. He was to reveal himself two months after the publication of these ads… and we are still waiting…
Then there are those who seek communications with extraterrestrials in more conventional ways, utilizing numerical patterns and geometrical shapes sent off via radio waves, in hopes that such “attention getting signals” will evoke a response from our “space brothers” and commence a dialogue across the stars.
Many such as Dr. David Jacobs, an Associate Professor of History at Temple University, author of the book Walking Among Us, believe that these ‘aliens’ are covertly infiltrating our world with hybrids, and continue with the production of more, for the purpose of subjugating and dominating the human race. [Alien Intervention]. This affirms how the verse in DANIEL 2:43 is interpreted by some reputable Bible teachers (like the late Dr. Chuck Missler). That the mysterious “them” who mingle with the seed of men (humanity) are indeed a replay of GENESIS 6 and the phenomena of fallen angels cohabitating and spawning nephilim.
There are too many similarities between UFO aliens and fallen angels, demons, and demonic influences to list here, but here are some (not all factors are seen in every situation):
~ They (aliens, UFOs and demonic manifestations) may be visible to the naked eye, but don’t appear on camera.
~ The opposite is also true: not visible to the naked eye, but appear on camera.
~ Paralysis of the victim/abductee (experiencer) is recurrent.
~ Similarly, when in their presence, one may feel a sense of resignation, passivity, confusion, an inability to concentrate.
~ A sense of being watched.
~ Feelings of depression, oppression, suicidal thoughts.
~ Delusions of grandeur – conviction that one has been “chosen for a special purpose”.
~ Strange marks/bruises/scratches on the body.
~ Foreign objects found in the body with no explanation.
~ A powerful, foreboding sense of impending doom.
~ A sudden ability for clairvoyance or other psychic phenomena.
~ Missing time in which there is no accounting for where one was, or what happened.
~ Speaking in unlearned languages.
~ Objects moving by themselves.
~ Sudden onset of compulsive, often destructive behavior.
~ Physical illnesses and mental distress with no medicinal remedy.
~ The victim’s/abductee’s family members may also begin to experience these things.
~ Luminescent orbs, strange lights, sounds, shadows, a sensation of vibrations in the air.
~ An alteration of one’s spiritual views, religion, and beliefs (predominantly those from a Judeo-Christian viewpoint).
~ A belief in pantheism emerges.
~ An aversion towards the Bible or anything regarding Jesus Christ.
~ An alteration of perspective of Jesus Christ, disbelieving in His Deity, and that He was only “one of them” and a representative of their kind to Earth: either a ‘space brother’ or an avatar or an Ascended Master.
~ Sexual stimulation/abuse and experiences
~ Often, but not always, all the above experiences occur late at night or when one is asleep.
~ Aliens (and UFOs) appear in one shape, only to morph into something else (or divide into component parts), similarly to demonic manifestations.
(this list is by no means comprehensive, but in any given list, these are the more common symptoms).
So far we have looked at the activities of angels, and their effects on people, portals, vortices (as in windows into interdimensional realities, DUMBs (and the sort of equipment that would make such bases viable), cattle mutilations and their total exsanguination, sightings, historical and current reports of UFO, hybrids, and extraterrestrial contact, information gleaned from videos and book UFO Disclosure – The 70-Year Coverup Exposed, by L.A. Marzulli.
We also mentioned Area 51 and its counterparts in England and Germany, how the human genome has been mapped out for twenty years, and supposedly alien DNA has been harvested from crashed UFO’s and what the implications for THAT is! We’ve seen the increasing attention these things are receiving in both the media and our own government; we touched on the overview of this spiritual war between “the seed of the woman” and “the seed of the serpent” and much of what that entails.
Suspicions from astronomer Jacque Vallee (and psychologist John Mack) that these aliens are not only real, but duplicitous, deceptive, and dangerous! He gave us five primary reasons why he believes these beings are not extraterrestrial in origin but interdimensional. We hypothesized that not all UFO sightings are necessarily fallen angels, but genuine ‘nuts and bolts’ Hi-Tech, Black Ops, Above Top Secret craft whose technologies were shared by fallen angelic intelligences.
We also expounded on the social experiment of the radio play War of the Worlds and what the instigators of it could be planning for our future. The CFR was involved in at least a peripheral degree (their objective, mind you, is to submerge US Sovereignty in submission to global government).
We then brought up how many very prominent figures in government and global commerce as well as the military have all surmised what would happen if we, the people of Earth, faced an extraterrestrial threat. We saw how we responded to 911 style terrorism and the sort of acquisition of power our government obtained.
Look at the sort of power that came to the World Economic Forum when a certain virus went global and the paradigm shift it initiated.
What is the need for all the bovine blood (compatible with human) that’s been harvested? What’s the need for these ‘aliens’ abducting people and taking samples of their tissues and fluids?
What sort of activities are going on in these ultra-secret DUMBs?
If these hybrids are truly roaming the planet, as well as these supposed red haired giants (and black eyed children), what is their purpose and when will it be realized?
With such whispered conspiracies floating around about Project Blue Beam and where holograms can be perceived as solid, and technological advancements so sophisticated that human engineered craft can be misunderstood as alien craft, 5G networks in conjunction with certain types of injections purportedly able to rewrite human DNA – we certainly live in rather mystifying, perplexing times. Could the globalists truly be planning on a mock alien invasion? More about this in a moment…
I have my theories, though I don’t like them one bit.
Now, recall the horrendous Nazi experiments that were performed behind walls by Dr, Mengele, and his team on the Jewish people. How such experimentation was performed by Soviet Communists in gulags, North Koreans on captured enemy soldiers – or even in America: MK Ultra and its child MONARCH that conducted experimentation on volunteers who were misled as to the scientists purposes or even unwilling subjects who were programmed – just as one saw in the films Manchurian Candidate and Conspiracy Theory. Man’s inhumanity to man is a recurring, predictable theme in our history, to say the least.
Have you ever wondered what happens to all the missing children across the globe? I’m sure many if not most are used in the sort of typical criminal activities we might suspect. Yet what if a certain percentage of these are brought deep underground, to these bases, and experimented on by scientists both human and ‘alien’?
Now, a theory on this Independence Day type of scenario:
We all know about the “Good Cop, Bad Cop” routine, right?
What if, in some mock alien attack with holography and DARPA style weapons used to convey the power of such ‘alien craft’ and the bad guys that pilot them, humanity is brought to and shoved over the cliff of abject, paralyzing terror. But then who comes to the rescue but the good guy aliens (these fallen angels) who apologize for getting here too late to spare us from the attack, but have dealt with the bad guys and promise us citizens of Earth that we can rest securely, peaceably in their protective embrace?
I have no way to vet this docudrama, but the assertions made in it, as wild as they may seem to the average person, actually makes a lot of sense to me personally. I would ask that you consider this film prayerfully… and if you don’t believe the premise of this film (a reenactment of events), then file it away in your mind for future consideration.
The final upcoming and concluding article this series can be read here!
Previously we shared the series I wrote for The RED PILL Consortium: E.T. = Extraterrestrial Terrorists? Part I (all parts are linked to the next article in this series).