– A Disclosure of the Demonic Devices of Deception: Part THREE In This Series
By James Fire
What are these strange objects that we see in the skies, skimming over the oceans, emerging from such watery depths, or passing through mountains like ghosts, or appearing as a single object, only to subdivide into four (or more) only to merge back into one?
Are they only naturally but rarely occurring phenomena? Are they Hi-Tech above Black Ops Top Secret craft? Are they actual (fallen) angelic creatures manifesting in such ways as Ezekiel saw in EZEKIEL 10? Perhaps some of all the above?
As we saw in Part ONE of this series, where the angelic aspects of this phenomenon is concerned, when they manifest, it’s a disclosure into the celestial, a sort of portal that leads from our natural domain into that of the supernatural.
And as any Bible-believing Christian will tell you, any time there is an invitation into the domain of demons and ‘demigods’ as well as principalities and powers, it will inevitably lead to deception and perdition.
For myself, I had three separate experiences with these things, that I believe were not naturally occurring – possibly experimental High Tech craft* – or more probably, these were spiritual beings that have an agenda of deception.
*~ Even such technology could and probably is inspired by these fallen angels imparting knowledge to create such astonishing vehicles that seem to defy the laws of physics.
There were three separate times when I and friends of mine witnessed the uneXplainable…
The first time was when I was about fourteen years old (1976). My friend and I were on the street in front of his house tossing around a frisbee in the evening. The only light sources were the street lamps. He fired off a high riser and I ran backwards, keeping my eye on it, ready to snatch it as it came within arm’s reach. Suddenly my attention was diverted from the glow-in-the-dark frisbee to something much higher in altitude.
I came to a standstill, staring at the night sky and vaguely heard my friend shout out “What’s up?” when he saw the ignored frisbee land behind me.
“Look!” I exclaimed, with a finger thrust upward. It was only seconds when he located what I was talking about. It appeared like a ‘moving star’ wandering about the night sky in a haphazard manner. “There’s another one!” he said, “…and another!”
Within a minute or so we had identified no less than twenty of these mysterious ‘dancing stars’. Suddenly without warning, these meandering lights fell into a straight line formation, from east to west and slowly disappeared beyond the northern horizon. Silently we gawked with wide eyed wonder at each other and in the next instant barreled into his house and hurriedly reported this sighting to his parents, who didn’t readily believe us.
I think it was less than a year, around Thanksgiving of 1977, that we watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind together. When we came to the scene where the two lead characters Roy and Jillian (played by Richard Dreyfuss and Melinda Dillan respectively) are on Devil’s Tower and they were looking into the night sky to see points of light dancing merrily, then suddenly lock into formation and proceed across the heavens in equidistant fashion, we turned to each other moon-eyed and exclaimed together (to his parents), “That’s what we saw!” They were still dubious.
More than two decades later, I was no longer living in Syracuse, NY, but had moved to Tucson, AZ (October of ’93) and I acquired a job five months later working for Tucson Airport Authority on the grave yard shift.
About two or three years into my employment with TAA, my coworker and I were driving to our assignment which was outside the security perimeter of the airside airport grounds and pulled up to a gate, my coworker swiped his ID badge, entered his security code, and crawled across the exit once the gate slid back. Once on the other side, we waited for the gate to close and once it did, he began to pull away when we saw it. He stopped the truck and we just stared:
It was an orange-amber ball, glowing like a burning ember in a fire. It had strange horizontal ribbings all across its surface and it throbbed with intense amber light, faded to almost invisibility, then appeared again, throbbing rhythmically. Visually it was about as big as a quarter if you held it several inches from your face. There was absolutely no noise whatsoever.
Then suddenly another one of these orange orbs appeared and then another, until we were faced with four of them in total. They all throbbed and faded at different rates but remained totally motionless and equidistant from each other.
I remember thinking, “I gotta get a picture of these!” but I didn’t move – I felt strangely passive and relaxed. Gradually, one by one, the orbs faded permanently from view until the last one was gone.
We stared at each other, completely astounded.
We got to our work site (which happened to be the control tower) and once I walked into the lobby, I picked up the phone that called direct to the cab; I spoke with the air traffic controller and asked if he picked up anything on radar in the eastern sky a few minutes ago.
“Nope, all clear. Why?”
“You didn’t see anything strange outside your window up there?”
“No,” he insisted and asked a bit miffed, “Why?”
I thanked him for his time politely and hung up the phone.
Several weeks later I was with the same coworker (who told me that he regularly saw apparitions around his house: a paranormal correlation that’s rather common with those who encounter UFOs); it was at the end of the shift, and we were refueling the truck at the Airport Fueling Station. As we were waiting for the tank to fill up, we were gazing at the southern horizon with its fiery red glow that announced the soon coming dawn.
Along the southern horizon, just above the Santa Rita Mountains, we saw pin point lights, amber orange in color. If you ever pointed a fiber optics cable that was lit towards your eye, you have some idea of the intensity of these lights that were miles away, but still hurt our eyes to look at them. I would blink and see the afterimage of those pinpoint lights, similar to what you’d see from the flash of a camera.
This time, there weren’t four of these objects, but well over a dozen; but like before, they blinked in and out in regular intervals independent of each other. The same disarming, passive feeling was present, but not quite as strong as before.
L.A. Marzulli gives an accounting for this “brain fog” – a kind of mental fatigue and disorientation that leaves a person confused and feeling helpless, even despairing. This is exactly the same experiences of people involved in delivering people from demonization – the evil spirit will attack the Christians in this way in order to deter them from their intentions of liberating the victim.
In fact, there are strong correlations between those who claim abductions by UFO aliens and demonic influences which we will address later on.
L.A. Marzulli has this to say about “UFO Brain Fog” from Chapter 7 of his book UFO Disclosure – The 70 Year Coverup Exposed:
“In my film In Their Own Words – UFOs are Real, I interview three people who show signs of what I have come to call ‘UFO brain fog’. In all three instances these folks are reacting in ways that are abnormal for them (Check out this video The UFO Phenomenon Is Real on PROPHECY WATCHERS with Gary Stearman.
In each instance, these three people:
- Encounter something out of the ordinary.
- Have encounters with orbs or UFOs.
- Their reality is compromised and they have no longer think like they normally would.
- They act and say things that are atypical; for instance, one woman stated “We were speeding, but we weren’t going anywhere.” – how do you speed in a car, and not go anywhere?
Al encountered a large orange orb that paced his car. This is what he had to say after the object left: “After the orange sphere left the scene we just concentrated on driving, We didn’t really say anything to each other.”
In both instances this behavior doesn’t make any sense, yet this is how these folks behaved.”
Al Matthews encountered what he believed to be a hybrid, and his actions while in her presence was very atypical for him; he accepted her sexual advances without resistance, having never mentally processed that he wouldn’t have normally ever done such a thing.
Even in the Bible, an encounter with an angel left Peter the apostle confused. The angel visited him in prison, released him from his bonds, let him pass guards that paid no attention to them, and brought him out of the prison. In this encounter Peter wasn’t sure if this was real or just a dream. At some point (after the angel left it seems), he understood that this was reality, not a dream at all:
ACTS 12:6-11
Ac 12:6 And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping, bound with two chains between two soldiers; and the guards before the door were keeping the prison. 7 Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up, saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands. 8 Then the angel said to him, “Gird yourself and tie on your sandals”; and so he did. And he said to him, “Put on your garment and follow me.” 9 So he went out and followed him and did not know that what was done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision. 10 When they were past the first and the second guard posts, they came to the iron gate that leads to the city, which opened to them of its own accord; and they went out and went down one street, and immediately the angel departed from him. 11 And when Peter had come to himself, he said, “Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent His angel and has delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the Jewish people.
Note vss.:
9 So he went out and followed him and did not know that what was done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision.
11 And when Peter had come to himself, he said, “Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent His angel and has delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the Jewish people.”
L.A. continues:
“…an angel appeared to Daniel who then fell on his face and was confused. It was only when the angel touched Daniel and spoke a blessing over him that he could ‘function’ normally again” (DAN 10:7-10).
“Throughout the Bible instances of angels appearing to people result in the same reaction: those people are deeply afraid.
“Think of the shepherds who were tending sheep near Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth. They were terrified when the angels appeared” (LUKE 2:8—10).
“Both good and bad angels affect humans. We kind of short-circuit when they appear…”
“People who are abducted have trouble thinking ‘normally’ in the days following the abduction. Their memories can be scrambled. The entities who have abducted them can also plant memories in their minds. Abductees can be confused and unable to concentrate at work. They can become depressed or withdrawn.”
“They can also begin to accept what is happening to them [a kind of resignation to their fate]. This is called Stockholm Syndrome, and I’ve encountered the syndrome on more than one occasion.
“An example of this is when I was first investigating the UFO phenomenon and went out to Area 51`. More specifically I went to Little A’Le’Inn in Rachel, Nevada where I was attending a conference that Gary Schultz was holding. There were people there who had been abducted.”
L.A. recounts how one of the abductees had been taken multiple times, and on one occasion they took her most beloved pet, but she claimed that the aliens are so far above and beyond our understanding, we couldn’t possibly understand why they do what they do. L.A. pressed the point, emphasizing that they stole her pet that she dearly loved away from her, but she’d been brainwashed, conditioned into believing that these entities were entirely benevolent and that they took her pet “for [her] own good”.
Another woman who had been abducted believed that the entities had selected her for a special mission. She felt quite honored when she received voice – to – mind communication with the entities, but the experiences had an entirely deleterious effect on her; she began to lose so much weight and suffered such poor health that family and friends became extremely concerned for her – her life was slowly being taken from her. Fortunately L.A. was able to share the Gospel with her, she came to Jesus and the abductions and psychic communications stopped.
Excerpts from my blog The RED PILL Consortium article: ET – Extraterrestrial Terrorists? Part 3
Now we turn to a Dr. Jacques Vallee, French astronomer, who like Dr. Mack, spent years researching the UFO/Alien phenomena, and has written several books on the subject. Experiencers: John E. Mack, M.D. (Full Length Documentary)
They are listed below for your convenience:
1965 – Anatomy of a Phenomenon: UFOs in Space, A Scientific Appraisal
1969 – Passport to Magnolia: UFOs, Folklore, and Parallel Worlds
1976 – The Invisible College: What A Group of Scientists Has Discovered About UFO Influences on the Human Race
1977 – Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma
1979 – Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults
1990 – Confrontations: A Scientist’s Search for Alien Contact
1992 – Forbidden Science: Journals 1957-1969
1993 – Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact
1993 – Revelations: Alien Contact & Human Deception
He moved to the U.S. in the 1960’s where he pioneered computer networking; for the purpose of building, analyzing, and exchanging databases of UFO reports with other researchers. Vallee worked closely with J. Allen Hyneck, director of the Air Force’s half-hearted Project Blue Book (considered today to be the government’s concentrated effort to debunk and cover-up UFO sightings, more than its stated goal of investigating them). Vallee would later often publicly criticize the government’s handling of UFOs, claiming that they intentionally misrepresent the UFO reality and reports, for the purpose of manipulating public opinion.
Something that especially distinguishes Dr. Vallee’s perceptions of the UFO phenomena is his belief that these so-called space craft are not sophisticated, ultra-high-tech ‘nuts -n- bolts’ types of objects, much less extra-terrestrial in origin.
He sees these objects as ‘windows’ into another [paranormal/spiritual?] dimension, thus he states that these vessels and the beings that ‘pilot’ them are inter-dimensional, rather than extra-terrestrial in origin. He even goes so far as to assert that much of the experiences and influences subject to abductees are very similar, if not parallel to those of demonic possession!
In May 1955, aged 16, Dr Vallee first sighted a UFO over his Pontoise home. Six years later in 1961, while working as an astronomer, he witnessed the destruction of tapes which had recorded the tracking of unknown objects orbiting the earth. His interest in the UFO phenomenon became a career (of sorts) when he joined with Dr J. Allen Hynek. His contribution to the field was recognized by Steven Spielberg in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, in which the French scientist played by François Truffaut was modeled on him.
Since the 1960s, Dr Vallee has written a series of ground-breaking books on the UFO phenomenon. His 1969 book Passport to Magnolia was instrumental in changing the perspective on anomalous sightings and experiences, as he set forth the hypothesis that the phenomenon was simply the latest incarnation of something which had been happening throughout human history (explained in past ages as fairies, demons, and signs from God).
Dr Vallee’s rejection of the ‘nuts and bolts’ explanation of UFOs (as interstellar spaceships) gained him a hostile reception from some parts of the research field, leading him to describe himself at one point as a “heretic among heretics.” In 1979 he again challenged the ufology community with the publication of his book Messengers of Deception, in which he warned against the dangers of UFO cults, government deception, and the trickster nature of the phenomenon.
For the interview in full, please visit this web site:
Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Theory (JSE 1990) – To read this scientific paper in its entirety click on this link which will bring you to a PDF: Why these beings and these craft are unlikely to be extra-terrestrial in origin
To visit Dr. Vallee’s web site, click here
1) Unexplained Close Encounters are far too numerous than required for a physical survey of the Earth.
2) The humanoid body structure of the alleged ‘aliens’ is not likely to have originated on another planet and is not biologically adapted for space travel.
3) The reported behavior in thousands of abduction reports contradicts the hypothesis of genetic or scientific experimentation on humans by an advanced race.
4) The extension of the phenomenon throughout recorded human history demonstrates that UFO’s are not a contemporary phenomenon.
5) The apparent ability of UFO’s to manipulate space and time suggests radically different and richer alternatives, three of which are proposed in outline form at the conclusion of this paper.
In the mid-1960s, like many other UFO researchers, Vallee initially attempted to validate the popular extraterrestrial hypothesis. However, by 1969, his conclusions had changed, and he publicly stated that the ET hypothesis (or “ETH”) was untenable.
Dr. Vallee began exploring the commonalities between UFOs, cults, religious movements, angels, ghosts, creature sightings, and psychic phenomena.
These were first detailed in Vallee’s third UFO book, Passport to Magnolia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers.
Dr. Vallee proposes that there is a genuine UFO phenomenon, which is associated with a form of nonhuman consciousness that manipulates space and time. The phenomenon has been active throughout human history and seems to masquerade in various forms to different cultures.
In his opinion, this group has a highly militaristic organizational hierarchy [Can someone say “principalities and powers” as in EPHESIANS 6?], which attempts to influence and guide human societal views *, by often relaying erroneous information to humans with whom they interact.
Vallee mentions in his books that many of the activities fit descriptions of demonic spirits and their activities in religious books such as the Bible, but he takes no position on whether the UFO entities are the same as biblical demons.
*It’s quite interesting that these beings are attempting (and with no small amount of success!) to “influence and guide human societal views”; much of this influence resorts to the compulsion for a ‘greener’ conscience re: ecological views, other influences fall within the religious realm, and the ‘oneness’ of all, and of God (Whomever you deem Him/Her/It to be) which is monistic pantheism, a belief found predominantly in Hindu/Buddhist/New Age belief systems. And how long will it be before these beings overtly support and promulgate the need for a one world government?
I have some questions of my own in this regard, namely,
Is technology so sophisticated today, that aerial craft of ‘above top secret’ origin could pose as something that would appear ‘extra-terrestrial and alien’ to the average person? Also, if it was the intention of the Power Elite to create a simulated wave of UFO’s on a level of a secret military maneuver, did they accomplish this?
And if so, then would it not also seem feasible to create a simulated ‘alien attack’ to suit certain purposes?
How would such a simulated attack relate to what we see today as a ‘war on terror’? Remember that this declaration of War on Terror was the result of the horrendous, incredible tragedy of 9-11. Yet who was responsible for that attack? More and more evidences brought forth would seem to indicate that Islamic terrorists were blamed for this, while the true perpetrators remained unseen, and not convicted for their crimes. The government then achieved new levels of power and control, and the institution of various security agencies benefitted most from this event.
Recall your history in pre-Nazi Germany, when the Reichstag Federal building was burned down by Hitler and his men yet blamed on the Communists in Germany. As a result of this constructed tragedy, Hitler was granted autonomous powers, and further control over the populace. Has history repeated itself? What’s next, and how precisely will it transpire?
Folks in their 70’s and 80’s might recall a radio play produced and directed by actor Orson Welles WAR of the WORLDS (written by H.G. Wells – no relation to Orson). My parents were young adults and dating at the time this program originally aired, and they were extremely frightened by it, thinking that it was an actual news broadcast – as did millions across the country (an intentional deception by those who financed this program).
The broadcast was a psychological warfare experiment conducted by The Princeton Radio Project.
“The Rockefeller Foundation funded the project in the fall of 1937. An Office of Radio Research was set up with Paul F. Lazarsfeld as director, and Frank Stanton* and Hadley Cantril as associate directors. Cantril used a special grant from the General Education Board to study the effects of the broadcast. Cantril published the study as a book titled “THE INVASION FROM MARS – A STUDY IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PANIC.” It contains a complete script of the broadcast. The book is one of a series of studies sponsored by the Federal Radio Education Committee.1″
WAR of the WORLDS Radio Program Social Experiment
Frank Stanton —read at this link information re: Mr. Stanton. *Frank Stanton worked for CBS beginning in 1935 and was President from 1946 to 1973; he was an associate director that worked on the radio play War of the Worlds. He was also a member of . . . guess what organization? The Council on Foreign Relations!
Council on Foreign Relations ~~ click here to confirm membership of Mr. Stanton. . In summary for part 3, we have the expert opinion of scientists who’ve researched this phenomena and determined that they are certainly not all that they seem. That they are non-human intelligences would be conceded by these authorities, but that they are not from other planets.
There have been some significant political and military personages that have mentioned the idea of an extra-terrestrial threat to our planet and how such would bring a unity, and a disregard for petty differences, in favor of confronting a shared danger with a sense of solidarity.
One such person was Ronald Reagan:
UFO – Ronald Reagan’s Speech about Alien Invasion (0:49)
UFO – Ronald Reagan’s Alien speech at UN (0:29)
Another is Henry Kissinger, during a meeting of the Bilderbergers: (an international organization for globalism that operates similarly to Europe the way that the CFR functions in the United States):
“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened their very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with the world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.
“I can think of no faster way to unite the American people behind George W. Bush than a terrorist attack on an American target overseas. And I believe George W. Bush will quickly unite the American people through his foreign policy.”
-Henry Kissinger on CNBC, December 13, 2000; Bilderberg conference held in Evians, France, May 21, 1992.
It’s long been the philosophy of “the goblins” (Globalists) to acquire power through this means: “ordo ab chao” that is, from the chaos, build the Order which they themselves will manage.
Another leader that spoke of a confrontation by means of an alien attack was General Douglas MacArthur, when he spoke of an intergalactic war:
“You now face a new world, a world of change. We speak in strange terms, of harnessing the cosmic energy, of ultimate conflict between a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy. The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets.”
“You now face a new world – a world of change. The thrust into outer space of the satellite, spheres and missiles marked the beginning of another epoch in the long story of mankind – the chapter of the space age. We speak in strange terms: of harnessing the cosmic energy …of the primary target in war, no longer limited to the armed forces of an enemy, but instead to include his civil populations; of ultimate conflict between a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy… ”
~ GENERAL DOUGLAS MACARTHUR quote – United States Military Academy – May 12, 1962
Who else suggested the idea of an “artificial alien threat”? You might be surprised at the answer:
The propositional ‘plan’ to create an artificial extraterrestrial threat to the Earth was first mentioned by a friend to the Marxist (credited as the father of the American Education System as conceived at Columbia U) John Dewey, which he agreed with.
For more on this, check out this YouTube video with the late Dr. Michael Heiser (Note: This author does not necessarily agree with some of Dr. Heiser’s assertions or conclusions):
ALIENS and DEMONS: Evidence of An Unseen Realm – A Documentary Film
Continue this subject matter in Part FOUR Of This Series!