In this film we see a dialogue between a psychiatrist and a demonized man, Edward Wayne Brady. They have a back-and-forth conversation that many who have a macabre sensibility find fascinating (to speak with a non-corporeal intelligence that has existed for millennia, with ruthless cunning and astounding intelligence).
Yet if one were to perform an exorcism (or as they are sometimes called, a demon extraction, or better yet, a freedom encounter), this is exactly what one should NOT do! A demonic spirit will do anything to prevent being ejected from its host (the body of the victim), and will entertain, enthrall and enchant, charm, threaten and confuse humans with all kinds of conversation and conjurations. We cannot afford to become distracted. We must keep focus on priority #1: the deliverance of the victim! Greg Reid addresses the issue of DEALING With The DEMONIC: RULES Of ENGAGEMENT. For a full treatment of this subject, and the broader subject of spiritual warfare, I highly recommend getting Greg’s book WAR Of The AGES.
We did a TTUF review and an interview with Greg on this book as well that you might find interesting!)
So, if Dr. James Martin was intent on an exorcism (which neither he nor the liberal priest he called upon had any intention of doing), what he did a huge NO-NO in talking with the demonic.
But Dr. Martin’s grave error didn’t stop at that! At one point, Nefariamus challenged the doctor’s conviction in his endeavor to prove he was actually dialoguing with a demon.
“Invite me in!” said Nefariamus. At first Dr. Martin refuses, but relents and says, “Inhabit me I give complete and irrevocable permission.”
“Invite me in!” said Nefariamus. At first Dr. Martin refuses, but relents and says, “Inhabit me I give complete and irrevocable permission.”
But the good doctor doesn’t sense anything is happening and says so. Nefariamus simply replies with, “Don’t gloat… I got exactly what I wanted.” He tells Dr. Martin that demons “know the value of patience.”
What Nefariamus means is that all he was after (at that time) was an invite, an open door, permission to step through the gateway that Dr. Martin freely provided. And while Nefariamus didn’t take advantage of that invite right away – he bided his time and took up the invitation at the end of the film when Edward was in the electric chair about to be electrocuted.
The disembodied demon then asks Dr. Martin if he would be his disciple and get his book out into the public domain. But Dr. Martin refuses and it’s then that the demon takes hold of the man’s body against his will. Dr. Martin under Nefariamus’ influence grabs a gun from off of an attending police detective and shoves the muzzle under his own chin. Later on, during an interview with Glenn Beck, Dr. Martin realized that the evil spirit had control of his body, but not his mind.
He begs GOD for help; a moment later he pulls the trigger three times, but not a single bullet is discharged! It would seem that GOD heard this atheist’s cry for help! Also in that Glenn Beck interview, Dr. Martin stated that the gun was brought into the police ballistics department, and when tested, the gun fired all three rounds without any problem (GOD intervening on behalf of an atheist who in a moment of desperation, cried out!).
There are various entries or gateways by which demons have a legal right to invade a person. As we saw in Part One of this article, Nefariamus stated that with enough yeses and not enough no’s in temptation, a gradual take over can be successful. Temptation can lead to obsession, and compulsion, then oppression and possession – and somewhere in the mix, the simple reality of demonization.
To talk about “entries” by demonic spirits, check out this article by CARM – Demonic Oppression.
The phenomenon of total demonic possession is actually rather rare. What is more likely is a consistent manifestation of the demonic spirit sporadically, and then eventually it submerges, leaving the victim disorientated, bewildered, wondering what just happened – as if they were put to sleep and sometime later awakened (similar to the experiences of abductees in alien encounters).
That being said, with societies at large giving themselves over to occult practices to greater and greater degrees (read that as witchcraft, New Age, Satanism or any of the darker varieties of occult) the phenomena of full demon possession, where the victim is basically a human shell with the personality of the spirit fully and perpetually manifested is likely to increase.
As the church, we need to be prepared ahead of time for these opportunities in freedom encounters. That means reading, learning, training, even drilling as necessary. I would strongly recommend the reader examine the article by Greg Reid referred to earlier (DEALING With The DEMONIC). Deliver a printout to your pastors and elders (or even forward this series to them).
During the dialogue between Doctor and demon we hear Nefariamus say,
“The bottom line is, you’re done! And we did it all right to your face, James! And now there’s evil everywhere and no one even cares… slowly, with your TV, your movies, your media we desensitized you, [the numbing or searing of the conscience (1 TIM 4:2)] redirected your world view, to the point where you don’t even recognize evil when it’s right in your face! More to the point, you can’t even feel it when you’re doing it… and there are more of you ending up in my Master’s house than with the Enemy. A lot more, Jimmy!”
“The bottom line is, you’re done! And we did it all right to your face, James! And now there’s evil everywhere and no one even cares… slowly, with your TV, your movies, your media we desensitized you, [the numbing or searing of the conscience (1 TIM 4:2)] redirected your world view, to the point where you don’t even recognize evil when it’s right in your face! More to the point, you can’t even feel it when you’re doing it… and there are more of you ending up in my Master’s house than with the Enemy. A lot more, Jimmy!”
We have become so desensitized that we can’t even recognize a dismembered, bloody baby as something bad, even wicked. We see nothing wrong with transgendered persons adoring our children too closely. There are gay pride parades where men are scantily dressed and doing things to each other that a generation ago, wouldn’t be dreamt of behind closed doors.
Most live in La-La Land where everything is fine, and the horrors of child trafficking is “an exaggerated issue, bordering on the conspiratorial”. And yet, our Constitutional rights are being stripped away, layer by layer and replaced with Democratic Socialism, but people are either unaware of this or completely fine with it.
Most live in La-La Land where everything is fine, and the horrors of child trafficking is “an exaggerated issue, bordering on the conspiratorial”. And yet, our Constitutional rights are being stripped away, layer by layer and replaced with Democratic Socialism, but people are either unaware of this or completely fine with it.
I know things can look extremely discouraging at times, and dark and depressing. Scripture states that in the end times, wicked people will get more and more wicked (2 TIM 3:13), where good is called evil and evil is called good (ISA 5:20). We know there is coming a day when evil will reign supreme and hold the entire world hostage in the iron grip of the antichrist.
Yet for all of the darkness that’s overwhelming our world, our nation – we must never forget that while many battles may be lost, the LORD JESUS CHRIST HAS WON THE WAR! May this encourage us to fight the battles that yet must be fought for the sake of righteousness!
Nefariamus said that their (Satan and the kingdom of darkness) greatest mistake was in getting Christ crucified. They believed erroneously that with Him dead and gone, they would have the ultimate victory, but GOD lead them right into His plan that spelled Satan’s ultimate defeat! The propitiatory sacrifice of Christ that atones for the sin of the world and His resurrection that imparts the Holy Spirit and new birth and life!
Nefariamus said that their (Satan and the kingdom of darkness) greatest mistake was in getting Christ crucified. They believed erroneously that with Him dead and gone, they would have the ultimate victory, but GOD lead them right into His plan that spelled Satan’s ultimate defeat! The propitiatory sacrifice of Christ that atones for the sin of the world and His resurrection that imparts the Holy Spirit and new birth and life!
But Satan by no means is prepared to give up! He knows that “man still wants to be his own god, to serve no one but himself!” He will offer his ‘Dark Gospel’ to the souls of mankind and that will “seal the deal” with a simple number: 666.
Those who claim that number as a badge of honor during the Reign of the Beast and worship this “man of sin… the son of perdition…” will ultimately understand that they are doomed forever, and that the winning side are those who stand with Christ Who conquered sin and death and all the powers of hell.
We referred to “the dark gospel” in the previous two articles, but in this part, I want to focus on the agenda by Satan to not only undo “the Mosaic Covenant” of GOD’s Holy Law, but the entire order that GOD created.
GOD created male and female, the union of husband and wife, the nuclear family, the concept of private ownership, the prohibition against theft and murder, the sanctity of all human life, and the establishment of nations, that GOD is perfect in His provision for them all.
Yet today, we can’t even define what being a “woman” is, and the clear distinction between the binary sexes is blurred so that these imaginative, varied alternatives are esteemed as civil rights issues.
The order of marriage is abrogated to such an extreme, that we have seen a man who married his horse, a woman who married herself, where transitional gender surgeries have been performed on the husband and wife who swapped sexes so that they’ve changed their roles.
Families are splintered to the degree that there are second, third, even forth sets of step-parents due to the runaway escapades of divorce.
We have seen views expressed that men (husbands/fathers) are optional or undesirable and even unnecessary. Yet statistics show that 95% of all young men serving time in prison come from homes where the father is absent or even unknown.
Socialism on a global level is in evidence, and in this system of government, higher taxes are gathered from citizens and used in indiscriminate fashion regardless of the desires of government’s constituency. That is called “legal theft”. I don’t support Planned Parenthood, yet my tax dollars are being used for that organization’s activities. The fact that my money is being used for things I’m opposed to is a kind of theft!
There is a push for globalism – a world without borders, where separate nation-states will lose their sovereignty to fall in line with a globalist oligarchy. Did you know that the very idea of globalism is something born from occult belief systems that stem as far back as the Tower of Babel, and will be seen again in the last days (GEN 11:3-7; REV 17:12-14)? The only global government that GOD will ever endorse is that which His Son, the LORD Jesus Christ will establish upon His return (LUKE 1:33; REV 11:15).
Considering all of the illegal abortions that took place before Roe v. Wade, the total today is around 70 million babies. If one takes the mean average length of the aborted baby, there are enough corpses to cross this country (from head to toe) almost five times! No matter how the media and institutions spin this issue, we are talking about the immoral cessation of life – to put it simply, legal murder. And they euphemistically call this “Women’s Health Care”?!
We regularly hear the cries of overpopulation (and we’ve heard about how cosmic doom would befall us because we are just too many people on this planet since the 1980’s. Forty-five years later, we are still here, and there is plenty of land and food around. Starving nations are a result of dictatorships who disallow food relief into their countries and let it rot on the docks as people die.
Environmental issues claim that our carbon footprint is devastating our planet, while completely ignoring the fact that carbon dioxide is food for chlorophyl-producing plant life, just as much as oxygen is necessary for human and animal life!
The very creative order of GOD as recorded in GENESIS is ridiculed and disregarded in favor of the preposterously inadequate theory of evolution. While they call the biblical account a fairy tale, they believe that “a long, long time ago, a princess kissed a frog and over the course of millions and millions of years, it evolved into a prince!”
They cite evidence of evolution when adaptation is observed within a species, supposedly then proving macroevolution – the transition from one species to another (without any concrete evidence to back it up; but lots of forgeries and chicanery to prop up this poor excuse of a theory).
Check out this TTUF Interview with Russ Miller, able expositor and creationist.
GOD is transcendent from His creation, and yet the satanic inversion is promoted in a pantheistic monism – that all is ‘God’ – even what appears to be ‘evil’ is ‘God’, and that the only true evil in the world is the denial of this New Age belief.
It will eventually get so wicked, so depraved, so delusional that the people of Earth will conclude that YHWH is evil, and Lucifer is good, who is worthy of worship while YHWH is opposed. Humanity will actually, literally go to war with GOD The Son (PSALM 2)!
Needless to say, false doctrine and immorality go hand in hand – and all the world by its social media, television, the film and music industries has its doctrine (or teachings, beliefs, convictions). And the more corrupt, the more compromised the church of Jesus Christ is, the less potent will be her light and salt.
Inevitably this will allow the rot to increase in the very society that the church’s influence was meant to preserve.
Check out the THROUGH The BLACK online discussion between Thomas Dunn and Greg Reid about this film!