By James Fire
With talk about UAP/UFOs ramping up dramatically within our own US Government* that’s holding Congressional meetings about these things, and the Pentagon analyzing more than 350 reports on UFO sightings in January of ’23, NASA along with the Vatican is training priests and appointing a bishop as “an ambassador of goodwill to aliens”. Books continue to be published, the film industry continuing to churn out movie after movie on this hot topic – like this one: ALIEN AGENDA – INTO THE FUTURE and such “imminent disclosures” that escalated in 2017 – something is about to break…
LA Marzulli in this video BREAKING: Disclosure Imminent (22 mins 18 sec) speaks of well over a dozen “rungs” that are drawing us closer to an ultimate disclosure.
Also, watch the breaking news video on LA’s In Depth Abduction Interview.
* And check out this interview LA had with the real-life Fox Muldar, John D’Sousa, retired Special Agent of the FBI and his views of UFO’s and aliens (note: I concur with LA and his respectful disagreement with some of Mr. D’Sousa’s assertions.
Here we have over four hours of video on UFO’s and Luis Elizondo’s investigations into these matters: UFO Mysteries Exposed!
You can also download this huge pdf file: UFO’s and the Extraterrestrial Contact Movement: A Bibliography, VOL 1-2 if you’re interested in some details about these things.
There is a plan unfolding. Something that, once it’s revealed, will stun the entire globe, and plummet us into yet another paradigm shift of greater proportions than anything previous, including the planned 911 event and the 2020 Plandemic.
It will be a pernicious plan of deception that will seduce and lead the world astray:
Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,
People will abandon “the faith” (the doctrinal truth of the Bible) wholesale in favor of these alternate doctrines inspired not by GOD but by demonic spirits.
All ‘aliens’ have to do is show up on the White House or Kremlin lawn – or both – and just with their presence ‘prove’ the theory of evolution as ‘fact’. It would take millions of years for such an ‘alien’ race to have evolved to the state where they could travel countless light years from their home world to reach our tiny blue planet.
Out goes the GENESIS account of a Six Day creation, and the foundational early history of the world covering the first ten chapters in GENESIS, which is the basis of all the crucial doctrines of the Bible.
As mentioned previously, these philosophical and paranormal postulations promote New Age principles; but these aren’t peyote partaking shamans, but impressive ‘alien’ intergalactic species, which would lend considerably more credence in the minds of people.
The LORD Jesus Christ warned us about deception, using the word (in various forms) no less than four times in the following verses:
MATTHEW 24:3-5
3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” 4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 “For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.
The Greek word for “deceive” used in all four instances in this chapter is planao – meaning, “to cause to roam (from safety, truth or virtue); to go astray, deceive, err, seduce, to wander, to be out of the way”.
Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.
For false Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Who’s to say that some of these “signs” might not be the manifestation of alien ships beckoned by such [New Age] prophets?
Life on Earth in the pre-Flood era was one of routine for that day: they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage until that fateful day when the ark was no longer a joke, it was the only hope that was then closed to them as they perished to their doom.
Yet we also know something else about the days of Noah; they were the days of the nephilim:
MATTHEW 24:37-39
But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
Many believe that the LORD’s words here included the insinuation regarding a return of these foul miscreants prior to His Second Coming as mentioned in Scripture.
Daniel’s prophecy about “they” (something other than man) “will mingle” (or intertwine – like the double-helix of the DNA) seems to confirm this:
As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.
Hitler had his own personal guard, the SS – Imagine the Beast’s personal guard comprised of an army of ‘supermen’ (what the Bible calls “the mighty men of renown”), rank upon rank of nephilim!
LUKE 21:25-26
25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 “men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of heaven will be shaken.
UNRAVELING The CONNECTIONS Between Aliens, Demons and Christianity – Dr. Brian Huffling
It’s quite possible that when the LORD descends from the heavens with a shout and the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of GOD, that these “powers of heaven” (principalities and powers under Satan’s command) will be shaken (as in “agitated” or to set in motion, to disturb).
I find it quite credible that once the church is taken up, that the powers of Satan will be manifest in such a way that these so-called UFOs appear on a global basis. This could explain the disappearance of millions of people worldwide, as well as the mysterious vanishing of corpses from graves, mortuaries, coroner’s facilities, and the like. Imagine an Independence Day type of reality – this certainly could incite the sort of fear that would cause “men’s hearts [to fail]”. A wonderful, masterful deception could be the “good cop/bad cop” scenario as mentioned in Part 4 in this series.
This explanation is already established among New Age circles (including Ufology Cults): they believe we as a species are evolving spiritually into a higher form of humanity (homo noeticus) that will be more god and less human, but that a particular facet of the population is holding this “leap” back, due to their adherence to outdated, dusty religious beliefs, i.e., biblical Christianity. These ‘spiritually backward’ people will be removed, taken off planet where they will receive remedial education and once completed, they can rejoin planet Earth and becomes gods themselves (becoming one with all things). This will permit the rest of the human race to evolve.
Such an explanation for people vanishing without a trace was insinuated in the film Skyline that portrays an alien invasion and attack on humanity. One of the characters having witnessed the disappearance of his neighbors before his very eyes even exclaimed, “It’s like the [censor] rapture!”
Some Bible scholars believe there could be a significant time frame between the rapture of the church and the ultimate establishment of the beast as the one world leader, and in the interim, a global interaction between humanity and “a league of aliens” undoubtedly in conjunction with the “ascended masters” could ensue. An intriguing theory indeed!
UFOs and the Occult Connection
Dave Hunt, Bible teacher, occult expert and noted author and speaker (founder of The Berean Call) was the first to suggest that “the antichrist could pose as a liaison between the aliens, [and ascended masters], and humanity” [and bring about a one world government with the cooperation of our ‘space brothers’ working in tandem with the One World Leader].
Again, what would a blatantly visible visitation of an ‘alien’ vessel landing on planet Earth, with CNN covering this stupendous scenario – do to the religions of the world but shake them to their core. The citizens of Earth would have to conclude that we are not the center of the universe, mankind is not a special life form in the vast limitless expanse of the universe, our concept of truth and GOD would be challenged, and every religion (as some speculate) would have to reevaluate their beliefs – and amend them accordingly (conveniently tailoring themselves to New Age and esoteric proclivities) and thus, fit in nicely with the antichrist paradigm that will exist prior to the Second Coming of Christ Who will reclaim the Earth!
Something a bit more grounded (pardon the pun): The Galileo Project (privately funded) [insert link: Something is coming – ready to take UFO’s Seriously] is the latest “to establish a network of sophisticated telescopes which will scan the skies 24/7 with infrared cameras… radio and audio sensors, as well as a magnetometer to detect non-visual objects… for extraterrestrial objects.”
“A computer will use AI to analyze the data…”. The Galileo Project also “hopes to use the data collected by Planet Labs, which uses a fleet of miniature satellites to image the entire Earth once a day.” Towards this effort the James Webb Space Telescope will also be employed in this endeavor: it is the largest, most powerful telescope of its kind (launched into orbit December, ’21).
It’s the hope of Avi Loeb, the Frank B Baird Jr. professor of science at Harvard University that greater exposure and evidence of UFOs will destigmatize the phenomenon and free up the future generations to talk about these things openly and rationally. These folk, unlike Dr. Jacque Vallee and others, believe that these are E.B.E.’s and not devious demonic spirits, notorious nephilim and fiendish fallen angels.
Satan will play the part that these expect, in order to deceive them.
As stated before, the church may well be here to witness a one world government form: the question is, what will it take to get all of the nations to comply to such a government that would rob nations of their sovereignty?
Could the church witness such an Alien Deception Terra Forma before our departure?
Could aliens escalate their activities and be emboldened by New Ager proponents rolling out the red carpet for them and become belligerent enough to confront Christians?
Hypothetical questions to say the least, but plausible; therefore it behooves us as saints to be well trained in spiritual warfare and prepared to engage the enemy – no matter what form he may take.
And remember saints: Keep Your Eyes on the Skies and Don’t Believe the Lies! The LORD Jesus Returns From on High!
Congress held a hearing on Wednesday on unidentified anomalous phenomena, also known as UAPs. The event will feature firsthand accounts of UAPs sightings and assess their possible threat to U.S. national security.
The hearing, titled “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency” will be hosted by the House Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs*.
* The Council on Foreign Affairs has long held interest not only in UAPs/UFOs but in how their visible and actual presence effects the public; a credible assertion that this radio play was intentionally constructed to convey this production as an actual news event and then monitor people’s responses who may or may not believe it to be real and not a radio play. The resulting widespread panic across the nation by some of the listeners was concluded as a “success” by the CFR.
Then we have L.A. Marzulli’s commentary based on the above video:
Book Recommendations:
LA Marzulli – UFO Disclosure The 70-Year Coverup Exposed
Dr. David Jacobs – Walking Among Us
(Disclaimer: Dr. Jacobs sees “aliens” as EBE’s or Extraterrestrial Biologic Entities. While this book contains useful information as to the potential modus operandi of these beings, we do not endorse the idea that these are creatures that have evolved and are visiting us from other planets, but rather fallen angels and nephilim that are despicable and demonic in their hatred for GOD and humanity. One commonality in the perspectives of Dr. Jacob’s and myself is that these beings have objectives that are both inimical and detrimental to the human race.)
Drs. Chuck Missler / Mark Eastman – Alien Encounters
Gary Bates – Alien Intrusion
(See a book review by yours truly of Alien Intrusion here in Part ONE and Part TWO)
Ben Mezrich – The 37th Parallel
Dr. John Mack – Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens
The Collective Works of Dr. Jacques Vallee
Related material:
Dave Hunt – Occult Invasion
See the YouTube Presentation here.
Websites and Article Recommendations:
Extraterrestrials & UFOs Archives – Reasons to Believe
Alien Life – Answers in Genesis series of articles