By James Fire
1 And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, 2 in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, 3 among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.
This bizarre phenomenon of UFO’s, more recently referred to as UAP’s have a common descriptor: “unidentified”. There have been assertions made concerning testimony from various authorities, that when they said, “There are no such things as UFO’s” that they were in fact telling the truth: they are not unidentified. An elite group of people have been “in the know” concerning these things and know exactly who and what they are, and in that sense, they are indisputably identified.
Check out UFOs and the extraterrestrial contact movement : a bibliography, Volume 1-2
What about you? Do you believe you had seen a UFO/UAP? You can report your eyewitness account here!
I personally read of reports from out of D.C. (handed to me back in ’93 by a friend we were visiting in El Paso, TX) regarding “foreign” and “alien” scientists who are working here in the US (and around the world) in D.U.M.B.S (Deep Underground/Underwater Military Bases; (the preceding link is only suggestive of such plausible constructs; for more information about DUMBS, go here) and that wherever “foreigners” are mentioned in these reports, these are people of other nationalities, but where “aliens” are mentioned, these are in reference to so-called Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (E.B.E.s) – nephilim.
Back in 1988, in the small town of Dulce in Northern New Mexico, there is reportedly such a base where “a joint government-alien biogenetic laboratory designed to carry out bizarre experiments on humans and animals” and a population of “greys” numbering a staggering 18,000 along with sightings of “reptilian humanoids” called “Reptoids” have been seen by witnesses that have gone on record.
L.A. Marzulli comments on these matters in his book UFO Disclosure – The 70 Year Coverup Exposed Chapter 8: Deep Underground Military Bases and UFO Retrieval Teams:
Whispers about deep underground bases and the nefarious things that happen in them have been heard ever since the days of President Eisenhower who allegedly met some of these diminutive, gray-skinned aliens. He later stated that “the military/industrial complex (the “Deep State”) was a never-before-seen ‘entity’ that may pose a threat to our way of life.”
In the 1930’s Nazi Germany supposedly recovered a crashed alien vessel in Black Forest and back engineered it.
Until December of 2017 our government flatly denied the existence of aliens, UFO’s, and the infamous Area 51, but then out of the blue (no pun intended) they revealed the reality of this base, complete with its multiple levels deep underground.
L.A. Marzulli believes that not only were alien craft taken and back engineered, but that the accompanying alien bodies have had their DNA identified and sequenced (from UFO Disclosure: Chapter 8, pg. 100). Since the Human Genome Project was completed April 14th, 2003, one can only imagine that a prospective mission of recombinant DNA between human beings and these ‘aliens’ would be entirely feasible. Twenty years later, one must wonder how far along would such a mission advance towards their ultimate objective.
More stories about DUMBs were reported from whistle blowers throughout the decades, and two of them were interviewed by L.A. in his film, In Their Own Words – UFO’s Are Real (the link provided has L.A. and his interviewer talking about the film).
While L.A. can’t vet any of what these witnesses said he asks the viewer to judge for themselves whether what they are hearing is true or not. Both men claim that they saw or have heard about US military men and women working with what can only be described as alien entities (ibid., pg. 102).
One of the men L.A. interviewed stated that he saw UFO’s floating above the floor and “aliens” working side by side with military personnel. He saw things that blew his mind and were beyond anything he had encountered… he spoke of seeing “tall whites” (apparently over 10 feet tall) in the distance who seemed to be controlling the proceedings. L.A. interviewed this same man 30 years later and he still seemed upset by what he had seen.
L.A. posits with a great deal of credibility that the best place to hide anything from curious, even prying eyes is deep underground. How could such facilities even get built without attracting unwanted attention?
Little known technology for nuclear powered rock-melting super drillers has been recently revealed; over 60 pages worth of documents (from the 1960’s) having come out of Los Alamos, NM. Such means would make tunnels and building underground bases as deep as 12 – 15 miles entirely workable.
It seems that the incidents of “cattle mutilations” is high around the area of this DUMB and they coincide most regularly with UFO sightings; yet the highest incidences of cattle mutilations are in the South West USA (no wonder though, right? What with all the ranches out there!): Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado (especially in the San Luis Valley), and New Mexico from the mid-70’s into the ‘90’s, though there are still sporadic reports as recently as 2022.
David Perkins a reporter and author, investigated this phenomenon and revealed the strangest case he checked out was in Dulce, New Mexico in 1978, where “it looked like this cow had been dropped from a great height…basically splattered and splayed out…one of its horns was driven into its skull as if by high impact”. Often times cattle remains have no footprints around the area, let alone hoof prints from the animal itself.
O’Brien, an associate of David Perkins, concluded that among all of the 200 cases he has personally investigated, “about 20% of them were highly unusual. Of those, about eight or nine were unexplainable.” It’s an interesting point of fact that bovine and human hemoglobin are very compatible. Why is this relevant? One can only suspect…
From L.A. Marzulli’s book UFO Disclosure – The 70 Year Coverup Exposed we have the following from Chapter 12: Cattle Mutilations: Ignored by the Media:
Cattle mutilations are always characterized by total exsanguination (complete drainage of blood from a body), along with organs missing: eyes, udders, anuses, tongues – with exacting precision of surgical skill unequaled by any present technology. In one case, a cows heart was removed without the pericardium sac that contains this organ being touched! How?!
What’s bizarre is that these cattle corpses were never predated on; no coyote or vulture would go near them. One ranch’s residents said that their land was in the family for 100 years and had never seen anything like this.
Chuck Zukowski, MUFON Director of Animal Mutilations, Independent UFO/Paranormal Field Investigator, host of UFOnut.com.
Chuck has over thirty years of experience as a microchip designer and eight years of experience in law enforcement as a former Reserve Deputy Sheriff. He also has thirty five years of experience in UFOlogy. He approaches every investigation from a skeptical perspective, and in all of his investigations, he’s developed a theory that he calls The 37th Parallel.
In the majority of case investigations, Chuck finds that about 70% of the time of cattle mutilations witnesses testify of seeing strange lights, glowing objects, balls of light in the skies or hovering over ground. Since 1967 he claims that about 10,000 cattle mutilations have been reported (not counting potential mutilations that were never reported). Chuck admits that while there is nothing conclusive to prove ‘aliens’ are responsible for these things, neither is there anything definitive to show any normal explanation.
The very earliest case of cattle mutilation was an account written in 1896 by a family that lived in Howell, Missouri. The writing was later published in Fate magazine, Vol. 38, No. 11.
“A UFO was hovering over a rancher’s pasture, while the family hid in the ranch house through the night fearing for their lives. The next morning three cows were found dead, all drained of blood. No incisions like we see now were seen, just no blood…”
Chuck states that a rancher he knows saw a craft during the late afternoon in his field and an animal taken. Another rancher saw an alien gray in the area his bull was mutilated the following night. Neither of these men refuse to go public because of fear.
Chuck relates the few cases in which there were human mutilations (One in Brazil, 1998, another in Tennessee and a third out of Canada which all apparently have gag orders on them (pg. 146).
Why harvest all of this bovine blood? Is it necessary for these ‘aliens’ in order to create ‘state of the art’ hybrids? Is it food for these demonic entities (much like the demonic vampiric and were-beast crave)? And why have animals other than cows had their blood harvested more recently? Many unanswered questions but address a phenomena that I believe are directly related to these UFO’s.
You’ve probably noticed that there’s been an upswing in the media about UFO’s as well as in the military– and Bigfoot and other paranormal stuff (this link will take you to a most recent video with L.A. Marzulli). For more on check out this site that monitors their appearing nation wide: Bigfoot. It makes sense that these would be connected, because the Bible talks about “the sons of GOD”, these fallen angelic beings who in some inexplicable manner, managed to cohabitate with human females and impregnate them (where did they get the sperm from? Are they able to replicate the human male’s physiology down to the cellular, even to the DNA level? If we take the account in GENESIS 6 literally, at face value then it would appear so!).
The unholy union of these two separate species was the hybridization of the nephilim (which many believe the Bigfoot species to be one of kind of these). In fact, more often than not, whenever Bigfoot is spotted, a UFO would also be spotted nearby either a few days prior, afterwards, or simultaneously (the same can be said for another crypto-creature, Moth Man (or Dog Men, werewolves, and other creatures of legend that are reported by some to be real)).
Within the last few years, our own American government, which up until then carried on their investigations (and dealings) with these ‘aliens’ in covert fashion, are beginning to become more forthcoming – not a full disclosure (yet!), by any means, but not as tight-lipped either.
There is a definite connection between UFO’s and the nephilim and at the risk of being redundant, I will post this link to the late Dr. Chuck Missler’s videos RETURN Of The NEPHILIM – Pts 1 and 2.
On the subject of these hybrids (and in another segment, we’ll examine more closely what it is that these ‘aliens’ want).
From L.A. Marzulli’s book UFO Disclosure – The 70 Year Coverup Exposed we have the following from Chapter 5: Are Hybrids Real?:
The conventional theology behind GENESIS 3:15 is that the seed of the woman – the incarnation of the Word, Jesus Christ will be at war with the seed of the serpent, a generic term for all of unredeemed mankind that rejects the gospel and remains entrenched in the kingdom of darkness, being led by the antichrist.
L.A. Marzulli and others like him (Chuck Missler, Russ Dizdar, Hal Lindsay and more besides) believe a more literal interpretation.
The view regarding the seed of the woman is the same; however, the seed of the serpent (while it does include unredeemed mankind per PSALM 2) is specific to the MO as seen three chapters later in GENESIS 6. That the seed of the serpent is a Return of the Nephilim, and even more denotatively, the breeding of a specific nephilim, the antichrist – the one that the Bible calls the son of perdition, the man of lawlessness, the little horn (among a few dozen other appellations).
I have often puzzled over the fact that the antichrist (as well as the false prophet) are not cast into Hades where the condemned souls await the Final Judgment, but into Gehenna directly (REV 19:20). As far as I can tell, they are the only humans that are consigned there immediately without even so much as making an appearance at the Great White Throne Judgment. Why would this be? A conjecture: that these are both nephilim, and thus at the end of the tribulation, they are sent to hellfire directly.
Note: There are those who talk about the seed of the serpent and Adam’s intercourse with Lilith, from which came Cain, and through Cain this unholy line. For the record, I do not subscribe to this dogma as there is no biblical basis that can lead to such a conclusion.
And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.
This is the spiritual war between Jesus Christ and these fallen angels (Satan being the paramount example) along with their offspring, “the fallen ones” – these bizarre hybrids that are not fully angelic nor fully human, but some of both.
Since we are not conversant with all of the abilities of angels, much less the mighty cherubim and seraphim, we can’t determine precisely what sort of powers these nephilim would inherit from their perverse progenitors of perdition, but it’s a good guess that they are most formidable by human standards!
Nevertheless, the declaration of war by GOD was clear from the start:
“He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”
In this war, seed of the serpent began with GENESIS 6, continued in GENESIS 11, is evident in the conquest of Canaan where entire tribes of nephilim were slain by the command of GOD, the altercation of David and Goliath and his brothers (1 SAM 17), the sons of Anak, and throughout the murky history of the world where the skeletons of giants are uncovered and quickly whisked away lest they should be used to prove the veracity of Scripture (Some of these skeletons have four rows of teeth: two rows in each jaw; six fingers and toes; some even have horns on their heads believe it or not – some are enormous in size).
In the book of Daniel we read the following:
DANIEL 2:42-43
42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 “As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men; but they will not adhere [“cleave” in KJV] to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.
Who then are the “they/themselves” in this passage who are mingling “WITH the seed of men”? Consider that the word “mingle” in the Hebrew means “to intertwine” – picture the DNA helix!
L.A. comments:
“I owe this to Jim Wilhelmsen who states in his book Beyond Science Fiction that the word cleave is the same word we find in Genesis when a man and a woman marry. In other words, this prophecy in Daniel is pointing to a time when the seeds will mingle – they are different seeds – but there will be no marriage contract.
“In my opinion this is precisely what is going on in the modern day abduction phenomenon and subsequent breeding program. Sperm and ova are taken but there is no marriage contract. With this established we can now move into what the witnesses have stated … in their own words.”
In the various eye witness accounts from interviewees that L.A. spoke with, there are these strange people with bizarre eyes, strange loping gaits to their walk, an abnormal craning of the neck that isn’t possible for normal human beings. And the uncanny feeling that they inspire in the witnesses that these ‘people’ don’t feel human. Some have even attested to these bizarre folk as exuding a kind of reptilian persona!
Here is one account from a pastor who was out for a morning prayer walk in Knoxville, TN:
The encounter took place in a recreational park in Alcoa, TN. It was morning, around 8:15 am. I was alone and the weather was fair and sunny. I was out for my usual morning prayer walk, getting exercise while interceding over several specific people and things happening in our area. I was about half-way through the 1.5 mile walking trail when I looked in the distance and saw a very tall, platinum blond woman jogging toward me. As soon as I saw her, I knew something was different and something was very wrong about her. I have always had a very high discernment level since I came to the LORD and my discernment ‘meter’ was going off the charts.
“[This woman] was very tall, at least 6’3” or 6’4”. Her hair was almost white…she was very athletic looking, much like an Olympic athlete – she was thin, but very well defined in muscularity. She was very much female as her chest was quite large. I noticed her eyes about 15 yards from me, and they were strikingly blue – almost a powder blue color. Her hair was long and her chin was pointed. Her eyes were close set. I did not see her hands because she had them in fists, like many runners do.
“When she was approximately 15 yards away from me (I was walking east, and she was jogging west…) she looked up and noticed me. When she looked up at me, I saw the intensity of the blueness of her eyes. The intensity of the hatred I felt coming from her grew as we got closer. As we passed one another she didn’t take her eyes off of me. We were about 5 feet apart, her pupils were completely dilated, completely blacking out the blue iris of her eyes. Her eyes did no completely turn black, only her irises. This would have been physically impossible for a normal human as there was very bright sunshine out at that time, The hatred and evil that I felt coming from her was palpable.
“…I immediately began praying against any occult activity or curses that may have been coming form her. The demonic power coming from her I had experienced and dealt with many times. As she came close and passed me, she opened her mouth and showed her teeth to me like an animal might do to threaten another animal ore human. Out loud I said, “I rebuke you and any curses or activity you would loose against me, m family or those I’m in covenant with, and I send them back sevenfold to you and all you are working with. [She reacted with] a growl or a yelp.
This pastor mentioned that “we have long known that the greater Knoxville area had a lot of nephilim activity. I have had several attacks and encounters before, but those were not public occurrences. This was the first public, broad-daylight encounter that I’ve had here.”
One man who was an experiencer (abductee) since childhood had an encounter with a very attractive woman who wore wrap-around sunglasses that perfectly concealed her eyes. She hired Al as a mover for she was new in town coming in from Kuwait. They were taking an elevator ride up together when she leaned over to him and said, “They’re watching us, Al.”
“Who’s watching us?”
“You know, the grays. We were supposed to meet on the ship. I know you’ve been taken many times and so have I.” When she asked for his phone number, he gave it to her (big mistake). A few weeks later she invited him over to an upscale town house where this woman and her friends were drinking from every large glasses of wine. She was still wearing those tight fitting sunglasses. He also noticed that there was a very large fly on the inside of her wine glass; he called her attention to it and offered to get rid of the pest, but she said, “No, I’ll do it” and reached in with her finger and the fly simply stuck to it as she sucked it into her mouth.
It was then that she removed her sunglasses and moved towards Al. She sat on his lap, lifted up his shirt and said, “My, you’re very well preserved!” Al would normally never allow any strange woman to do such things, but he was strangely passive about the whole thing. L.A. states that this very well could be “brain fog” that demons and ‘aliens’ can afflict on people, rendering them passive, helpless, sometimes even paralyzed and unable to think.
The woman moves in to kiss Al, but he pushes her off and he states that it was then that her eyes changed and became like those of a lizard. She laughed in a way that Al had never heard anyone laugh before – the most evil laugh he had ever heard. (pgs. 76, 80-84)
I have read many books dealing with the subject of UFO’s, Alien Abductions and nephilim. Quite often abductees are brought aboard some sort of craft, have body fluids, sperm, ova removed and at some future point the female abductees find themselves pregnant – and then mysteriously not pregnant later on (some have had medical procedures done to confirm that they were in fact pregnant but with a missing fetus.
Months later the abductees are brought back onboard the craft and they are introduced to “their children” who resemble human beings but with exceptionally thin noses and mouths, large expressive eyes (sometimes entirely black), pale skin and narrow bodies.
This description even fits these strange kids referred to as “the black-eyed children” who will appear out of nowhere, visit people at their homes or cars, but seemingly can’t enter either except by invitation. They speak in strange ways; for example, they refer to meals as “food time”. They are often seen wearing odd, outdated clothing.
Stories from US soldiers stationed in Afghanistan during the Iraq War (and subsequent to the war) told of enormously proportioned savage that lived in the myriad caves that networked that nations underground; this giant had red hair on his head and body, stood well over thirteen feet tall, reeked of foul body odor and acted more like animals than human beings. Reportedly some soldiers were attacked by this thing and one was killed. Soldiers rallied together and counterattacked, managed to kill and retrieve the giant. The soldiers superiors were contacted and soon a helicopter was dispatched and apprehended the corpse. Nothing else was heard about the giant.
Continue in Part THREE in this series, beginning with my own experiences with UFO’s…
It is the contention of this author that things are ramping up intentionally by the globalists; they have a plan – a plan that could very well be the most impactful paradigm shift ever experienced by the world.