While most people in this area are sound asleep, I am sitting at the computer trying to catch up on things that weren't posted because we were traveling for a conference over the weekend.
It's information that needs to get out there- information about the schemes of the enemy to hurt children in schools, on military bases under the guise of faith leaders, and even by those that are supposed to be respected members of the community upholding law and order.
But I just can't bring myself to continue to post more of those backlogged stories.
It's October 31, and if you're seeing this, you know what is going on in the shadows.
You feel the weight of the need to pray, the desire to see captives set free, to see those trapped- both children and adults- rescued. You want to see the perpetrators stopped by whatever means God determines if they will not repent.
You realize that whether you can identify them or not, there are likely people that cross your path nearly daily that have suffered horrendous abuse. If you've been listening to either Russ or Through the Black for any amount of time, your heart cry is that they would find complete healing and restoration in Jesus Christ.
But what do you do with all those feelings and desires?
At the conference like so many others, ministry took place and information was dispersed. In some cases, it was far more information than people knew they were signing up for when they walked through the door that morning.
Afterwards, as tables were packed up and even later at the dinner table, the question remained the same; so what do we do?
Every person that comes to this site or any of Through the Black's other websites is at a different place in their walk following after Jesus. While there is no formula or set of steps that can be handed out as a "how to" manual, there is one single marching order that can be given and applied to each and every person equally.
It is a marching order that Russ repeated time and again on the Ragged Edge Radio and at conferences.
"Become the powerhouse God created you to be."
Great, I want to do that, but what does that look like?
Grow strong in prayer. That process may start with spending just a few minutes in prayer and grow into a continuous conversation with the Lord throughout the day. It may involve taking the course on prayer mapping, or finding a different method that works for you.
Learn the Word and allow it to change you. This is a lifelong process where we enter our time of reading the Word of God by prayer, asking for His Holy Spirit to lead us into truth as He promised, and that our eyes would be opened to what Scripture says so that we may be instructed on how to live and corrected where needed.
Write it on your heart thereby renewing your mind. Everyone has accepted lies as truth at times in their lives. Allow the Scriptures to replace those lies with Truth.
Keep putting one foot in front of the other, even if your stride length is no more than an inch.
When you stumble, when you fall, get back up.
When you get back up, keep growing, keep learning, keep praying.
There are days we all struggle. What makes the difference is pushing through.
Days inevitably come when we find it difficult to pray. On those days, push through for the children and survivors, for those that can't push through for themselves.
One step at a time, one prayer at a time, we too can grow to the point where we will be able to say that we're determined, by the grace of God and power of Jesus, to leave everything we have on the field of human history- for Him.
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,
Hebrews 12:1b-2a