‘Yet if in spite of this you do not obey Me, but act with hostility against Me, then I will act with wrathful hostility against you, and I for My part will punish you seven times for your sins. Further, you will eat the flesh of your sons, and you will eat the flesh of your daughters.
Leviticus 26:27-29
It’s 12 o’clock, do you know where your children are? Chances are, most of them are in a school cafeteria…but do you know what they’re eating…really?
If they are eating Kraft mac n’ cheese, Doritos, and a Sprite…they are consuming human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293) from aborted fetuses. And Senomyx, the San Diego-based company behind the ingredient, along with the FDA, and those who create the standards behind our food ingredient labels simply call it natural flavors.
Ladies and gents, there is nothing natural about human beings cannibalizing the flesh of babies. This behavior, however, is “natural” to demigods, Titans, Nephilim, and to worshippers of Ba’al and Molech. Is it just me, or is all that talk in the Bible about clean and unclean food suddenly making a whole lot of sense?
Brett Raio of Kingdom Clarity News recently compiled a comprehensive list of companies, brands, and products that have partnered with Senomyx and that include the HEK cells in their products. According to Raio,
“Senomyx was found make about $29.32 million in 2017. What product do they serve? According to their company description, ‘Senomyx nose a good thing when it smells it.’ Which is a horrifying phrase when you continue reading and learn how this foolish company operates. ‘The company has identified human receptor genes related to the detection of smells and tastes.’ And you may wonder what they mean by human receptor genes? That’s explained in finer detail here on a U.S. government document from 2007, ‘Senomyx is a leading company focused on using proprietary taste receptor-based assays,” and because the information is so veiled, whether the official senomyx website is mysteriously unresponsive… or not, we as people who Love The Truth will continue to understand just what proprietary taste receptor-based assays are. This 1988 research article writes.’”
The Direct Information Sources cited by Raio are below (with a note that an expanded list of sources will be added to his site shortly).
- Pepsi. https://cogforlife.org/2011/06/06/senomyx-and-pepsis-public-deception-all-the-proof-you-need/
- Senomyx patents and use of human cell lines.https://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-
Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&u=/netahtml/PTO/search-adv.htm&r=0&p=1&f=S&l=50&Query=Senomyx&d=PTXT - Kraft and Senomyx collaborative contract. https://contracts.onecle.com/senomyx/kraft.collab.2002.05.02.shtml
- Evidence of use of human taste receptors. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC123709/
You can also read my article, “What the HEK?” HERE