Those who claim that number as a badge of honor during the Reign of the Beast and...
“My master understood,” said Nefariamus, “that if he could make man disobey, then his fate would mirror...
DEMONS LOVE LIBERAL THEOLOGY When Dr. Martin picked up his radio and asked the prison guards if...
All of those works of gold, silver and precious stones are done in and through me by...
Warren Smith comments:
“For years now, I have watched as New Age proponents like Marianne Williamson, Neale Donald...
"Now, your thought that Hitler was a monster is based on the fact that he ordered the...
We are called to declare the Gospel (the Good News) and make people aware of the way...
Welcome to the December edition of “Pray Away the LaVey. It is vital that we become familiar...
What a bizarre perversion is this notion that all humankind is one body, as though every soul...
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down...
Welcome to the November edition of “Pray Away the LaVey. It is vital that we become familiar...
I knew the LORD wanted me to write about this most dreadful subject matter, this nightmarish, horrendous...
Welcome to the October edition of “Pray Away the LaVey. It is vital that we become familiar...
Welcome to the September edition of “Pray Away the LaVey. It is vital that we become familiar...
Welcome to the August edition of “Pray Away the LaVey. It is vital that we become familiar...
This is the story of a (Mormon) man, Tim Ballard, who couldn't just "do his job" stay...