“Awakening is a purely physical phenomenon, or physicochemical phenomenon, which can be easily provoked outside of any religious context.”
Xavier Séguin
God told Abraham in Genesis 17:8, “I will give to you and to your descendants after you, the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be your God.” Those who enter this covenant receive the gift of salvation. Reflexively, in Genesis 3:5, the serpent tells Eve that if she eats of the fruit she will, “be like God.” Those who enter this covenant receive the gift of Isis.
“The King chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza was once called the Isis chamber because, in this very place, inside of the sacred sarcophagus, the grantee (after a thorough initiation) received enlightenment through lightning—the Gift of Isis.”
Some who would wish to twist the Scriptures, blasphemously assert that Jesus Christ was the recipient of this so-called gift of Isis. He had the ability to defy gravity (Luke 24:50). He could teleport (John 6:17-22). He could heal the sick, read minds (Mark 2:8), remote view (John 1:47-50), cast out evil spirits, and raise the dead (John 11:38-44, Mark 5:21-43). And if Xavier Séguin is correct in his assertion, and all this is possible to achieve “outside of any religious context,” then Jesus was merely a forerunner, not a Messiah.
Christ Consciousness teaches that there is a state of awareness where one achieves self-actualization. In other words, they realize they are God (Genesis 3:5), and upon this awakening, they are inundated with superpowers, and live out their calling as a god. This, according to New Agers, is all Jesus did, and He is nothing more than an example to us that, we too, can achieve godhood and ascend into a higher-vibrational dimension to live amongst the Elohim.
But how did He achieve this? Here is my hypothesis for the pending Jesus-is-really-Osiris full disclosure agenda. First, the mystery teachings of the Atlantean lightning power plants will be revealed to mankind. Once we understand that these massive megalithic dolmens, pyramids, and rock formations were not tombs for the dead, but antiquated neurosurgical centers, we will then be told that Jesus did not die, but was merely undergoing an ancient, sacred awakening ritual of the mystery schools.
“Jesus would have received there the initiation of Isis, lying in the same sarcophagus, while thunder flashes shook the huge mass of stone above him.”
According to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in his book “Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week,” Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea were, “two highly regarded representatives of the educated class of Israel who had not yet dared to profess their discipleship.” Nicodemus—part of the ruling elite—schooled in the mystery teachings of Babylon and the Kabal—received royal access to Jesus’ body. He laid Jesus in his own personal dolmen and prepared the body for burial. Can you not see us being told that this “tomb” was really a lightning power plant, and that after three days and three nights in the tomb, Jesus received his baptism by fire?
Matthew 27 tells us an earthquake coincided with the crucifixion. The earth shook, tombs broke open, rocks split, and the temple veil was torn in two. Scientific evidence of this lithospheric energy release taking place in close proximity to the time of Jesus’ death will be just the breadcrumb they need to convince us that all sorts of other weather oddities were occurring in Jerusalem around the same time—anomalies such as—oh, I don’t know…ball lightning?
This information will then be coupled with revelations such as that of columnist Earl Johnston, who wrote, “Jesus, scholars say, was a mason. He worked in stone, not wood. Instead of saws and nails he handled squares and compasses.”
There you have it, folks, Jesus was a stone mason—an initiated member of the Craft! He had secret knowledge, and his elitist friends Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea—both indoctrinated regarding the gift of Isis—prepared Jesus’ body for His baptism by fire.
This theory is not new, but it does not come from the Scriptures. Xavier Séguin got it from American clairvoyant, Edgar Cayce; and God only knows where he got it from (some spirit guide in the astral realm would be my guess).
From here, Jesus Christ will be stripped of His deity. We will be told to follow in Jesus’ footsteps down the Atlantean path of Awakening. All we must do is plug into the Source. According to Xavier Séguin:
“This is why you may well pray to God, Yahweh, Elijah, Allah, Buddha, Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, Kwan-Lin, Jesus, Kachina, Wakan Tanka, the Holy Spirit, Virgin Mary, Isis, Athena, Dana, Gaia, Maya, Kaya, Satan, Seth, Osiris, Enki, Ninhursag, Zeus, Hera, Santa Claus, Father of the Little People or Great pumpkin, what matters is not who you pray, what matters is to pray.
Whatever name you give the God you pray is your way to the Source. One day, perhaps you can give up the outward appearance that you give to your God, with its particular characteristics and often so human. One day, when you pray, you will know that your prayer is heard without having someone listen to you. You can pray without invoking neither name, nor spirit nor thought. Source far beyond the narrow confines of our human thoughts.
Where is the Source? Search in you. Then plunge in it with delight!”
There we have it. No need for morals, good works, salvation, God, Jesus, church, or religion. We merely need to tap into the gift of Isis and transcend into higher-vibrational versions of ourselves. But surely, we moderns are too civilized to sit under some stone dolman hoping to get zapped in the forehead by a blast of ball lightning?
Is self-actualization via technology an abandoned quest of yesteryear; or is this knowledge available today? Tune in next month for the exciting conclusion!
This 4-part article is a reprint from L. A. Marzulli’s Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural monthly online news magazine. Click HERE for more information.