“He snatched lightning from the sky and the scepter from tyrants.”
French scientist Turgot’s homage to Benjamin Franklin
In Part 1, we laid the groundwork for the antediluvian craft of harnessing ball lightning for the procurement of prolonged life, vitality, and spiritual awakening. These ancient power plants consisted of lightning rods affixed to dolmens (stone sarcophagi) where gods and men would lie with sensors attached to their heads—sensors designed to concentrate the surge of electrostatic current to the pineal region, inducing a Kundalini awakening.
If these démodé dolmans indeed added decades to men’s lives with every “baptism by fire,” it should give us pause to at least consider whether the patriarchs lived into their 900s because of antediluvian weather patterns and atmospheric conditions (as we’ve been taught) …or if perhaps they had tapped into some technology that leaves 21st-century technology in the dust.
The question we will consider in this article is did these dolmans of deification die with their designers, or did this knowledge, known once only to the mystery schools, survive well into the 18th-century and beyond?
It is impossible to have a discussion regarding electricity in the 18th-century without mentioning Mr. Kite-and-Key himself, Benjamin Franklin. Every generation leading up to Gen X was taught this man was an inventor, a genius, a forefather, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and a devout born-again Christian. But alas, history eventually spills its secrets, and we have discovered in recent years that Ben was a venereal disease-infested peddler of Freemasonry.[1]
The famous kite story is, in essence, true. In June of 1752, Franklin and his son took a jimmy-rigged kite into a thunderstorm where Ben picked up an ambient electrical charge. This experiment was not, however, the “discovery” or the “invention” of electricity. In fact, Franklin had with him on this day a Leyden Jar, which was invented in the mid-1700s, prior to Franklin’s experiment, by someone other than Franklin.
The Leyden Jar was a device constructed of glass, tin, wood, and brass. The jar was designed to capture an electric charge and store it for later use. (Quite literally, lightning in a bottle). The fact that this already-available device was in Franklin’s possession would indicate that some knowledge of electricity pre-existed Franklin’s fateful day with the kite. This is corroborated by The Franklin Institute, which states,
“Despite a common misconception, Benjamin Franklin did not discover electricity during this experiment—or at all, for that matter. Electrical forces had been recognized for more than a thousand years, and scientists had worked extensively with static electricity. Franklin’s experiment demonstrated the connection between lightning and electricity.”
While Franklin’s evidence of the connection between lightning and electricity may have been new information to the general public, I doubt this discovery could be ascribed to the genius of Ben Franklin, as much as it could be ascribed to all of the mystery school knowledge available to Franklin who had been initiated into numerous Masonic Lodges all over the world. Lodges that would, no doubt, have access to antediluvian writings detailing the Atlantean lightning power plants, the Brothers of Lightning, and the djed beds of antiquity.
In Part 1 we learned that “…a lightning power plant consists of a lightning sensor, a spark gap and a transmitter. The spark gap can be called a lightning rod, because like this the role of the sensor is to attract lightning. The lightning sensor can be a pyramidion, a small pyramidal structure at the top of the great pyramids. The sensor can also be any metal or mineral part, charged with a negative potential which attracts lightning.”[2]
This is relevant because several years before Franklin took to the skies with his kite, he was working on another electricity-related invention: the pointed lightning rod conductor (aka the Franklin Rod). According to Xavier Séguin, “Electricity is one of the many means of Awakening used by the gods;” which makes French scientist Turgot’s comment about Franklin, “snatching lightning from the sky and the scepter of tyrants” come into clearer focus.
We get a glimpse of what Ben was likely up to through the fate of physicist, Georg Wilhelm Richmann, who while trying to recreate Franklin’s experiment a year later, was killed when he was “struck by ball lightning.” Were Franklin and Richmann attempting to receive the Gift of Isis—an Atlantean baptism by fire?
SkyWatchtv.com’s October 17, 2021, article entitled, “America Part 46: The Occult Schemes of Benjamin Franklin…” stated,
“Involvement by Freemasons for the development of early America as the New Atlantis is clearly viewed from the Great Seal to the symbolic layout of Washington DC—the capital for the New Atlantis. This has been so well documented over the last two decades that even many Masons have ceased denying the affiliation.”
Add to this Franklin’s own statement, “I say, that, when I see nothing annihilated, and not even a drop of water wasted, I cannot suspect the annihilation of souls, or believe, that [God] will suffer the daily waste of millions of minds readymade that now exist and put himself to the continual trouble of making new ones. Thus, finding myself to exist in the world, I believe I shall, in some shape or other, always exist; and, with all the inconveniencies human life is liable to, I shall not object to a new edition of mine; hoping, however, that the errata of the last may be corrected.”
Could it be that Franklin’s seemingly unrelated fascinations with Freemasonry, reincarnation, and the harnessing of electricity all be related to his own personal quest for immortality in the New Atlantis? His Atlantean-Masonic-promised fountain of youth? And if so, was Franklin the only one “in the know?”
Has this blasphemous quest for immortality–minus-a-Messiah gone on uninterrupted from antediluvian times to today? Will these mystery teachings be used to lull unsuspecting believers into the djed beds of the 21st-century? Tune into Part 3 and Part 4 to find out!
[1] https://eden-saga.com/en/our-creators-strike-again.html
[2] https://www.freemason.com/benjamin-franklin-freemason-founding-father/
This 4-part article is a reprint from L. A. Marzulli’s Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural monthly online news magazine. Click HERE for more information.