Father Yahweh, Your Throne is high above every other and only You are worthy of my praise. You are full of mercy and compassion and unfailing love for Your sons and daughters- who have entered into Your family by way of repentance and reliance on the blood of Your Son for the remission of sins.
I acknowledge that You are outside of time and that with the spoken words of Yeshua, the Word made flesh, the creation of times, seasons, months, days, dimensions, and realities were brought into being according to Your perfect will. The sun was given its laws and orders regarding the rising and setting gates. The moon was given its laws to appear full, new, and crescent according to Your appointed days and months. The stars are called out one by one and You know them by name. You Who created the Pleiades and Orion, turn midnight into dawn, and darken day into night, know my sin and yet love me steadfastly.
Father, because of Your gift of repentance, I renounce all Planetary Magic and use of pendulums, triangles, points, stars, and pyramids used to manipulate, curse, conjure, or shift dimensions, realms, realities, and timelines- physically, mentally and emotionally in my life as well as in the life of those I have practiced sorcery against. You call me to repentance through Your kindness and desire to see me set free from all sorcery that has come from me or against me.
I ask that as I pray to You now, You would hide me in the secret place, in the shadow of the Most High and confuse the enemy of my soul who would seek to destroy my life for speaking these words and confessions. Yahweh, according to Your Word, I ask that You cause my enemies to turn on each other in confusion, instead of on me or my family. I trust You to protect and provide for me in all things, including this.
When I look into the sky and see the sun, the moon, and the stars I will not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping them as the Pagans do. I repent for knowingly, or unknowingly, coming into agreement with any sun, moon, or star worship through sorcery, divination, horoscope, zodiac wheel, Enneagram chart, or worship of any day, month, or season, or element. Yahweh forgive me, my ancestors and all of Your creation for being deceived into the lie that the sun, moon, stars, or elements hold power greater than You, their Creator. I ask You to apply the blood of Yeshua to any ritual, incantation, thought pattern or action that comes into agreement with this lie, by me or anyone against me, and ask You to reduce the power being conjured through these things to nothing by way of the blood of the Lamb.
I renounce and break off, in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua, all physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional time loop curses, time travel probability equations and melodies or rhythm spells that would assist in any evil manipulations of Your times, seasons, realities or dimensions. I ask You to close the spaces, rooms, circuits, and pathways in my mind regarding my emotions, memories of the past and thoughts of future plans- which have been opened by Your adversary through my covert or overt agreement by way of dreams, proposed worldly ideals, physical, emotional, or spiritual experiences, hallucinations, visions, manipulations, sorcery and preconceived or implanted thoughts, memories, or emotions.
I instead declare my agreement and submission to Your chosen blessings, rhythm, time, reality, season, and dimension for me. I ask You to break off all duality and discord in my thoughts, feelings, actions, and memories. Abba, instead connect me by Your Spirit to be of one mind, the mind of the Messiah as You have called me to be.
I recognize that a double-minded person is unstable in all their ways. I declare that You are the plumbline of my life by which I find the righteous and justified center- which is steadfast, full of Peace and is never shifting. Only in You is my foundation firm. You are the cornerstone on Whom I will build my life and perspective from today on- including how I view my past, present and future.
On Your Word alone, by Your Set Apart Spirit’s Power, will I bring my, emotions, memories, and projections regarding my future into agreement with Your will for me. I renounce all selfish, insecure, fearful, and arrogant thoughts, feelings, and actions, which have allowed all mechanisms of sorcery to stand against me. I ask You to tear down so that none can rebuild, anything that has been built on the shifting sands of deception. Build up instead, so that none can tear down, what You choose for my life, character, ministry, thought patterns and emotions according to Your perfect will and design for me.
Your creation is intended, by You, to declare Your invisible attributes and eternal power in the heavens, realms, and dimensions; the day and night sky declare Your glory and the work of Your hands. Righteous Judge, I ask that You look on those who have perverted their intent and deal with them justly, according to Your law, and nullify their works. Your Word says that Your Son came to set the captives free and to redeem the slaves of sin; Father I ask that You release the captives of time-loop slavery by removing the conjured constraints, by the blood of the Lamb. I ask that You cut off all sorcery that would manipulate, fluctuate, or shift time or timelines, cause timeline looping, or employ solar synthesis and that You would restore Your people fully to the timeline, dimensions, and realities that You have designed us for in Your perfect will.
I confess that we, Your created ones, have participated in Solar Rishi, Gold Sun DNA activation, and worship of the tri-tone luminaries known as the Solar Dragon Kings, which are entities working for the Kingdom of Darkness and against You and all that You have made. I corporately repent for these defiling abominations and ask that You forgive these sins and cover them with the Messiah’s blood and restore order to Your creation, which groans for redemption.
I ask that You protect the fabric of humanity from RNA and DNA manipulations as well as light current activation that would keep us bound to their attempted planetary control or ‘alien’ disclosure agreements. I ask that You deal with the master architects and grid engineers of “god consciousness technology” and the Rise of King Arthur in the Albion, according to Your perfect will, and that You would cover your creation in protection as you see fit to do so regarding these agreements and plans. I ask for emotional, mental, and physical healing where these abominations have altered our chemical, cellular and genetic makeup.
I also ask that You protect the bodies, minds, and spirits of Your broken and scattered remnant from plasma crystals, neurological matrix webbing, ‘upgrading’ the cellular matrix of our bone, blood, skin, and tissues to receive their defiled liquid plasma codes. Yahweh, please restore the magnetism effects on your creation to what You intended in Your perfect will and cut off all magnetic manipulation and counterfeit transfiguration of physical matter in every realm, time, and dimension. We need You, the Great Physician, to bring healing to our bodies, minds, and spirits and to unite us to You in one mind, the mind of the Messiah.
Our times are in Your hands; deliver us from the hand of our enemies and from those who persecute us. Sever us from any and all evil quantum time signatures and entanglements and restore to us what is set apart for us according to the righteousness of the Messiah, Who has purchased us by His blood and washed us in His Living Water.
You are the shield around us, You are our glory and the lifter of our head. Father, I ask that You preserve the very water of our bodies to not be able to hold a satanic charge or manipulation through current, light transmission, frequency codes, radiation, or any other counterfeit influence that is not designed and purposed by You for our good.
Most High and Righteous Judge, I ask that You forbid the use of my genetic code to be used by the dragons or fallen angels of the Kingdom of Darkness to control, manipulate, kidnap, deceive or defile. Hide all communication- to and from them, and those who work for them- from my body through pheromones, hormones, scents, frequencies, colors, source of light or lack of light, or any woven technologies in my tissues or cells. Nullify, cut off and hide all sending and receiving from the Kingdom of the Dragon to me or my family by covering us in the blood of Yeshua and being our Passover.
Yahweh, I know that You see; there is nothing done in secret that You will not reveal. I ask You to forgive the sacrifices made, the blood that has been shed and consumed, the rituals performed and the summoning of spirits to accomplish a complete rejection of every component of Your law.
Father, have recompense for the wicked, according to Your law, and restore order to my life, my family’s life and to the lives of each of Your chosen people. Father, I ask that You rebuke and bind what needs to be bound, according to Your perfect will, and bless and loose what You desire, according to Your perfect will, and that You teach me to pray even more specifically regarding what is happening in, to, and by me that is outside of Your perfect will.
Yahweh, I see that the Kingdom of Darkness has even defiled Your Word, using sections of it in their incantations, rituals, abuses, and spells. They know Your Word is powerful and that they must operate according to it. I therefore renounce all uses of King Solomon’s words, whether utilized through written or oral records, specifically the Key of Solomon and any/all Solomonic Magic, that has been used to practice the worship of the pagan gods of his wives, servants, magicians, temple, priests and bloodline. I ask that You cut off the dual stream that has issued forth in the speaking or writing of Your Word regarding Solomon or any other author of scripture. Restore it to the proper context and nullify it’s corrupted use by the power of Jesus/Yeshua in my mind and in the world.
I also see in Your Word that some of these entities that carry out these assignments only come out of my life through prayer and fasting; show me when, how long and what to fast in order for these effects to be reversed forever in Your Power and according to Your Great Name. I praise You for Your faithfulness to set the captives free and declare that whom the Son has set free, is free indeed!
(Written by Collene James for “The Lie Effect: Overcoming Soul Abduction.” See: Genesis 1:14-18, John 1:1-3, Amos 5:8, Psalm 147:4, Isaiah 40:26, Deuteronomy 4:19, Romans 1:20, Psalm 19:1, Romans 8:19-22, Psalm 3:3, Psalm 31:15, Psalm 31:20)