Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Department of Justice Awards Over $35 Million to Provide Housing to Victims of Human Trafficking
“Today, Attorney General William P. Barr and Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump announced that the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), a component of the Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP), has awarded $35,104,338 in grant funding to provide safe, stable housing and appropriate services to victims of human trafficking.”
This is an interesting, timely release of funds given all of the rumors swirling that the U. S. military is behind the scenes gathering up victims of child sex/pedo rings. In fact, the rumor mill is buzzing with whisperings that the USNC comfort hospital ship in New York City, docked to receive the myriads of COVID-19 patients, left port with less than two dozen COVID patients aboard. Theories abound that the ships are, however, leaving docks, filled to capacity—not with COVID patients, but with children rescued from deep underground bases.
Could it be that the Department of Justice is ready to release these children to the care of organizations designed to give them the physical, mental, and psychological care needed to begin recovery and re-integration into society?
We are living in an age where it is increasingly difficult to parse fact from fiction; rumor from reality. Never were Pontius Pilate’s words more culturally apropos to America than now, “What is truth?”
If it is true that these children exist…
If it is true that these children are still alive…
If it is true that these children have been located and rescued…
If it is true that the Department of Justice is actually stopping in to help….
Then we must pray for the safety, health, well-being, and future of these children. Imagine the insurmountable recovery process. Imagine the psychological wounds, the trauma, the PTSD, the nightmares, the trust issues, the depression, the hopelessness.
We must pray that these children are found and rescued; and that justice be done to those perpetrating these heinous crimes against the most innocent of humanity. We must pray that the allocation of the $35MM released by the DOJ would be dispersed to organization who will use the funds appropriately, wisely, and most importantly—not to further perpetuate crimes or abuses against these same children who have been entrusted to their care.
Now is not the time to let chaos, confusion, or cynicism reign. It is not up to us to determine the answer to all of the “ifs”—it is our responsibility to pray. If children are in danger, ALWAYS assume the rumors are true.
Always error on the side of prayer.
Because even if we get some (or even all) of the exact days, dates, or details wrong…rest assured, the Adversary is ALWAYS about his work and our prayers will never go to waste.
Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back,
Revelation 12:7