When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
The Age of Aquarius
Aquarius! Aquarius!
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation
Aquarius! Aquarius!
The powers-that-be would love to have us all feeding from the euphoric trough of optimism, believing that this “Age of Aquarius” is all about peace and love, harmony, understanding, sympathy, and golden living dreams. But this concept is incongruent with the ACTUAL understanding of the coming epoch as described by Rex E. Bills and Geoffrey Dean[1] [2] who unveil that the true reality of this coming astrological age of Aquarius is one that affects “…humanity by influencing the rise and fall of civilizations and cultural tendencies.” They go on to explain that,
“Traditionally, Aquarius is associated with electricity, computers, flight, democracy, freedom, humanitarianism, idealism, modernization, astrology, nervous disorders, rebellion, nonconformity, philanthropy, veracity, perseverance, humanity, and irresolution.”
Seems to me this little shopping list of horrors is in full swing. Almost makes one wonder, are we just being fatefully drawn in by the tractor beam of zodiacal time—an inevitability? Or is this Age of Aquarius being very intentionally crafted and unleashed upon us?
And what becomes of the citizens of these countries influenced by the rise and fall of its cultural tendencies? The 5th Dimension (music group) told us the Age of Aquarius will usher in peace; while astrologers tell us it will usher in nervous disorders. The song tells us the age will usher in harmony; astrologers tell us to expect irresolution. Who’s telling us the truth?
With this well-plotted globalist agenda in mind—enter stage left: trans-age—the newest, shiniest toy of the woke left. Trans-age (aka “Age Dysphoria”) is the idea that age is just a “social construct” and that our biological age does not always correspond with the age that we identify as.
Take, for example, Stefonknee Wolscht, a man who left his wife and seven children because he no longer identified as a 52-year-old man from Canada, but as a 6-year girl. I don’t know about you, but puberty and adolescence were rough. No way I’m doing that mess over again. I’ve got half a century of life under my belt and I’m proud of every gray hair and proverbial purple heart pinned to my coat. My trans-age would be 59—where I can cash in on my 401K without tax penalties! But I digress….
Welcome to the Age of Aquarius! Welcome to the reality of what happens when entire civilizations fall beneath the spell of freedom, idealism, nonconformity, and nervous disorders. Where boys become girls and men become 6-year-olds. This is frighteningly reminiscent of Carlo Collodi’s, Pinocchio, who due to his aversion to adulting, hitched a free ride to the Land of Toys, where after 5-months of trans-aging, turned into a donkey and was sold to the circus. And alas, I am no prophet, but America’s foray into this Land of Trans will, likewise, reduce our great republic into nothing more than a community full of braying asses.
Imagine the social, ethical, emotional, and developmental consequences upon our youth when their Kindergarten classes become overcrowded with confused, cross-legged, 50-year-olds seizing security blankets and sucking their thumbs.
And hey, to all of you un-woke cisgenders out there—don’t make the mistake of thinking that if you identify as your biological age, you are cis-age. Nope, that would make too much sense. So, the wokism de jour for those identifying with their actual biological age is chronoage. Got it?
“Trans-age means a person’s age identity is different than their chronological age or chrono age. Trans-age people can be any age and are not all younger than their chrono age. Trans-age people may also fluctuate between ages, be multiple ages or be no specific age.”
Yeah, you read that right, Kevin Hart. A trans-ager can be age-fluid. Their age is whatever age they feel like today (or an hour from now); while for others, they are not any age at all; with others taking a more D.I.D. approach by adopting multiple ages simultaneously.
“Common experiences related to being trans-age include plurality, neurodivergence, trauma, age regression and age dysphoria. Not all trans-age people experience all or any of these specific things. The only requirement to be trans-age is to feel a sincere incongruence between your age identity and your chronological age.”
I am going to dive into some definition of terms in a moment. But before I do, I want to point out that feeling a sincere incongruence between your age identity and your chronological age is something that pretty much every human being between the ages of 40 and 100 feels every day. Our mind, emotions and souls don’t age at the same rate as our physical bodies. Also, when trauma is introduced into the equation, it is possible for a person to, say, feel their age at work, but feel like a child when it comes to romance and relationships. Historically, this has been referred to as an arrested development.
Arrested development (AD) is when, due to trauma, grief, or neglect, a person feels “stuck” at the age when the trauma occurred, thus stunting their emotional development. A child, preteen, or adolescent can experience AD whenever they are confronted with experiences or situations that they are unable to resolve. It is the opinion of this author that one who suffers from AD should take it very seriously and do everything in their power to get to the root of their trauma, grief, or neglect and to find HEALING, rather than merely slapping a man-made, trendy label on it and shoving it under the carpet to fester and grow.
Back to trans-age. Some of the catalysts for trans-age, according to the quote above, are plurality, neurodivergence, trauma, age regression and age dysphoria. Let’s take a closer look at these terms.
Plurality is a clinical synonym for dissociative identity disorder (DID) formerly known as MPD multiple personality disorder (MPD), or to use an even-more antiquated term: split personalities. These personalities can also be referred to as multiples, altars, littles, or as a system. Plurality is defined as, “…someone who shares the same physical body with other individuals.”
Neurodivergence is a term associated with people who process information, learn, or behave differently from what is considered typical or “normal.” This term was coined by sociologist Judy Singer as a means of redefining conditions such as autism and Asperger’s—redefining these, not as “disabilities” but rather as atypical brain functionality.
Trauma is the emotional response to an event such as rape, abandonment, abuse, medical procedures, natural disasters, or serious accidents. Immediate symptoms can involve shock, denial, or repression of the event. Long term effects can include (but are not limited to) flashbacks, arrested development, strained relationships, detachment, isolation, addiction, etc.
Age Regression originates in modernity with Sigmund Freud who defined it as an unconscious defense mechanism—a way that the Ego would protect itself from anger, stress, grief, or trauma. This differs from the point of view of Carl Jung, New Agers, and other psychologists who use age regression as a technique (hypnotherapy, womb healing, etc.).
Age Dysphoria is, “…the distressing feelings stemming from an individual’s experiences with puberty, and the larger aging process. Much of the distress is related to perception and social constructs prescribes age-appropriate behavior. These distressing feelings. Age dysphoria can be thought of as a small sub-set of gender dysphoria. As with gender dysphoria, it could be said that age dysphoria could be kind of an irrelevant definition or even a harmful attempt to pathologize a group of people who don’t technically have a problem (rather society has a problem).”
These categories have, historically, all been loosely defined as mental illness, mental disorders, or disabilities related to birth defects, brain formation, trauma, or abuse. But there is another something that all these categories have in common. The people in these categories are all vulnerable.
This means they are susceptible to further abuse at the hands of sociopaths and narcissists who seek to do them harm (even when they have taken oaths to “do no harm.”) These vulnerable children and adults become rats in the cage of scientists, doctors, researchers, sociologists, elitists, globalists, and religious zealots—puppet masters holding the strings attached to the marionette known as the coming Age of Aquarius.
We see this same thing happening in the 1st-century where Jesus was constantly helping, healing, and setting free the most vulnerable in society. The children, orphans, homeless, widows, the lame, the deaf, the lepers, and the blind—the same people that society and the system ignored and sidelined and used for their own gain.
It is my contention that those suffering from plurality, neurodivergence, trauma, age regression, and age dysphoria are the outcasts and lepers of the 21st-century. And the high priests, Pharisees, Sadducees, and prefects of our day are doing as they have always done—exploiting these people for their own gain. Rather than brining them to Jesus for immediate healing—they drag them into the town square and, like circus freaks, get rich off selling tickets to a crowd of indifferent gawkers.
I’ve said it before, and I will say it again. The elites of this world do not give a rip for the LGBTQ, transgender, or trans-age-identifying people of this world. They are a means to their end. They are building their empire upon the broken backs of these broken people; and once they have served their sacrificial purpose, they will be callously tossed away and forgotten. They will be stripped of their courage awards and banned from the platforms of the world stage. And they will be sent home to nurse their bodies—broken and prematurely aged from decades of psychotropic medications, hormones, gender blockers, and the litany of self-mutilating surgeries done beneath the banner of progress and social justice.
And where will the Church be when the Great Reject is unleashed upon these broken people? Will we be ready to minister to them as Jesus did? Or will we be out there picketing with our “We Told You So!” signs? Will we be tucked away into the safety of our rose-colored fortresses, teaching Sunday school songs to our homeschooled grandkids without a care in the (outside) world?
The fact is, if Jesus were alive on the earth today, these are the people He would be hanging out with—and we are likely the ones He would unleashing witticisms against. Who knows, maybe He’d even show up one Sunday to knock over a few book tables in our megachurch campus bookstore-slash-giftshop-slash-coffeeshop.
We—the Church—must get ahead of the Aquarius curve. We need to move faster than the ever-ebbing tide of pop culture. We have to have the triage unit ready and waiting before the wave of transgendered/trans-aged bodies wash up on the shore. We can talk all day long about “what would Jesus do,” but the question of this hour is—what are YOU going to do? The devil wants us all to believe it’s too late. The freight train cannot be stopped or turned around. But the devil is a liar and has been “from the beginning” (John 8:44).
In Genesis 16, we see Hagar, in deep distress and consigned to her death and the death of her son. At no point does she pray or cry out to God. She’s beyond that. It’s too late for that. There is no hope left to be had. No, in verse 7, we are told, “…the Angel of the LORD found her by a spring of water in the wilderness.” She was not looking for or expecting any mercy, but the Angel of the LORD (the pre-incarnate Messiah) loved her and sought her out. It is only after she is given the promises of life and blessing for her and her son that, in verse 13, she calls on the name of the LORD. This verse begins with the word “then.” I love that. In her brokenness, she was UNABLE to call upon the LORD, but after she was rescued, THEN she called on His name.
Likewise, the broken lepers of our day are likely not looking for God. They may not know Him. They may not like Him. They may have knowledge of Him but are too weak, broken, guilt-ridden, or ashamed to call on Him for fear of being rejected. But God is seeking them in the wilderness. And after they receive the promise of life and blessing, they will, like Hagar, be in need of a new home. A place where they can heal, be ministered to, discipled, and loved. This is where we come in.
Maybe we will be called to prayer walk our neighborhood. Maybe we can start a social media ministry. Maybe we will befriend one of our kids’ friends and be the mom or the dad to them that they don’t have. Maybe we will invite a neighbor who struggles with these issues over for Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe we will pray and ask God to break your heart for these people and to bring them into our life—who through our love for them—will be receptive to the Gospel. Maybe these people know who God is and they flat-out rejected Him—or maybe, just maybe—no one ever loved them enough to look past their mess and share with them who Christ really is. Maybe this year, someone will see them. Maybe that person is you.
It’s a new year—the Year of the Bull—let’s not waste it. Jesus is coming soon.
[1] Rex E. Bills. The Ruler-ship Book. 1974. Pp 362—365
[2] Geoffrey Dean, Recent Advances in Natal Astrology – A Critical Review 1900–1976, 1977, p. 54