Yahweh, I stand in the gap and repent for myself and for my ancestors on both sides of my family back over three, four, to seven and ten generations- even back to Adam and Eve- for our great pride in all its forms.
I repent of all my stiff-necked pride and stubbornness (Acts 7:51) with rebellion; I repent of all religious and denominational pride, all ambitious pride, and the iniquity of a critical spirit with cutting words and actions including wanting and seeking vengeance.
I repent for the times that I will not be told anything, for I have thought that I knew it all and saw all things clearly; I repent of my haughtiness and loftiness. I ask of You, that where I am listening but never hearing, to change my heart and open my ears to understand Your Word and Your Way. I repent for at times not being teachable and for being judgmental.
I repent of, and confess to You, because I have had an over-exaggerated opinion of myself. I’ve been full of conceit, behaved haughtily and arrogantly- including taking delight in my own achievements, while thinking very little of others. I confess and repent for not having time for those who do not have my ‘stature’ or brilliance, who don’t seem to have anything of value to add to my life, or who simply annoy me- for I have given preference and honor to the mighty and not the poor. This is in opposition to your righteous law. (Leviticus 19:15, James 2)
Father, I repent for becoming intolerant of others because they appear to lack my understanding, intelligence, and capabilities. I have even isolated myself from some because they are just not what I want them to be; they are just not like me.
I repent that I have wanted to change others and even at times have taken on their roles for myself, because they are not as perfect as me in how they do things or think. I repent of the fruits of suspicion, mistrust, and self-deception. I confess that I have become legalistic to keep up my perception of perfection; reveal to me and bring to death this legalism that I have placed on myself and others. I even repent in every area that I legally have challenged people with Your Word, as though I’m a lawyer in Your court- whether knowingly or unknowingly- to bring about their change, as though it somehow reflects on me and my work and not the work of Yeshua in their lives.
Father, I confess and repent that I have allowed rejection to foster in me a spirit of perfectionism and to be filled with attitudes of stubbornness, overt pride, subtle pride, and rebellion in every form, which is as the sin of witchcraft in your sight. (1 Samuel 15:23)
I repent of my self-righteousness and rejecting those in Your church. I have not obeyed Your command of loving the brethren I have in You and have not followed Your modeled acceptance of the beloved. I have not been walking in love as You define love. I repent that I have justified my own rebellion and disobedience to Your Word and Your ways because of the stronghold of the transgression of pride, while holding others to a standard of obedience that I myself cannot attain.
I repent also of the pride of prosperity, my home, my furniture, my belongings, my car, my income, my business, my investments, my education, my career, my societal position, my nation and even my calling and position in Your church.
Forgive me Father, for the pride of my heritage, my ancestry, my parent’s lineage and achievements and even the areas in which they have instilled in me familiar pride because of all this.
Father, I repent of my hardness of heart, my stony heart, which is a direct result of all my hidden and outward pride. I repent for refusing subjection to and full dependence upon You, because of my rebellious pride. I confess that at times I, like Simon Peter, have not allowed myself to be served or to receive from others because of my pride. I repent for giving honor and glory to myself instead of You because of my pride.
I repent of all internal and external mockery, scorn and foolishness in thoughts and words, as well as my proud looks of contempt and haughtiness that are the overflow of my proud and hard heart. I repent of all disrespect, dishonor to parents and elders, and disrespect for authority with arrogance and all types of manipulation and lying. I repent of envy, shame, strife, blasphemy, arguing, self-sufficiency, self-deprecation and self-loathing.
I repent of all greed, gluttony, slothfulness, idleness and all sexual sins of lust and those committed in drunkenness. I confess that I have compromised Your Word with Your instruction not to sin against Your perfect law, which are Your instructions for me to live righteously. Forgive me for compromising Your Word to follow after the lusts of the flesh and the ways of the world. I repent for being ‘nice’ which can be used as a manipulation and a deception and is a counterfeit of the fruit of Your Set Apart Spirit, which is kindness.
Father, I ask You to bring to death the sin structures of all my pride, envy, stubbornness, and rebellion, and cause me to realize that I am to live a life of humility in agreement with You, to love being crucified with Christ in this area of my life.
Enable me to realize that the old man has to die and that I am to live in newness of life as You continue to do a work within my heart, so I do not continue to be ensnared by a stronghold of covert pride, rebellious pride and stubbornness.
I repent and renounce all fascination with the forbidden and the supernatural. I repent where I have, knowingly or unknowingly, allowed this stronghold of pride to counterfeit itself as power in my life and with it, accepted the counterfeit works and manifestations by a spirit other than Your Set Apart Spirit. I ask for a loosing of my ears and eyes and tongue so I can hear, see, speak, and move in Your Spirit, the Spirit of Truth.
Father, where I have opened myself up because of pride’s lie effect, to false tongues or doctrines, or to any other religious and evil spirits through the laying on of hands, baptism, communion, or through allowing prayer or prophecy over me by any sorcerer, diviner, or practitioner of witchcraft- I ask for Your deliverance today. I confess that my own pride and ambition has opened me up to these devices and has not allowed me to discern, hear, see, speak or act according to Your perfect will; I have become apathetic, numb, veiled, and asleep to Your Word and Your Way.
Yahweh, where I may have any of these specific spirits of pride: Foot of Pride, (Psalm 36:11) Rod of Pride, (Proverbs 14:3) Crown of Pride, (Isaiah 28:1-3) Great Pride, (Jeremiah 13:9) Pride of Life, (1 John 2:16) I claim the children’s bread of deliverance regarding these sins and the demons and fallen angels attached to them. (Matthew 15:24-31)
Father, I ask You to anoint my prayer with the power and authority paid for and given to me, through repentance, by Yeshua’s death, burial and resurrection and His blood- which covers my sin- and to cast out Leviathan and his connected and related spirits. According to the power of the Messiah, I do break the curse of Leviathan back through the generations, even to Adam and Eve, on both sides of the family, and I destroy any legal rights- or grounds- which give any and all evil spirits reason to operate in my life or the life of my family. I destroy all these in the Name that is above any other Name, the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua my Messiah.
Father, where all pride has brought into our genetics, or our bodies, infirmity, disease, illness and sickness, I ask for healing and deliverance so I can be released from: depression, weariness, loneliness, emotional pain, oppression, fatigue and fatigue unto death, excessive tiredness, exhaustion, death, suicide, schizophrenia, madness, cancers, heart disease, bone disease, skin disease, defeatism, dejection, despair, hopelessness, miscarriage, barrenness, stillbirth, insomnia, morbidity, despondency, discouragement, pestilence, vexation, hexes, fever, consumption, inflammation, mildew sickness, itching, blindness, hemorrhoids, sores, scabs, ulcers, poverty, oppression, and any other legal curse that the breaking of Your law may incur. (Deuteronomy 28)
Father, I ask that You rebuke and bind Leviathan and the seven heads- being haughty eyes, a lying tongue, a sower of discord, a false witness, blood-shedding of the innocent, mischief, and wickedness of heart according to the things You hate in Proverbs 6. I no longer come into agreement with this spirit of perversity, and I ask You to rebuke and bind Neptune, Dagon and Poseidon, all associated Egyptian spirits and spirits of the world and worldliness and the entangling system of the Anti-Christ.
Father, in the power and authority of the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua the True Messiah, I ask that You rebuke and bind Orion, the strongman, and the seven bands or stars of Orion (Job 38:31) being: Betelgeuse, Rigel, Bellatrix, Saiph, Mintaka, Alnilam and Alnitak.
Father, I ask You to bind and, if it is Your will, to separate this cluster of stars, the Pleiades, that seek to deceive and destroy Your people and Your creation. Cause confusion in the enemy camp, as You say you’ll do in Your Word, and reduce their power today by this repentance and severing of my agreement to their lie of pride.
Father, I also ask You to bind any and all connected and related spirits of prince charming, false spiritual gifts and revelations or tongues, and Beelzebub, in and over myself.
Father let a hook, a thorn, be put in Leviathan’s jaw and a cord around his tongue (Job 41:1-2) and have him drawn out of these waters and taken to the place that You have appointed for him, along with all other spirits that have been allowed to operate in, through, and over me, my child/ren and my spouse.
Father, because I have now verbally renounced all my pride and declared that I am no longer in agreement with this iniquity, I ask that You legally destroy the bond of pride I made through my submission to sin. I renounce the knowing or unknowing use of sigils of Leviathan, Python or Kundalini and all forms of sorcery, art, images, tattoos, games, entertainment, worship, or education associated with them. Thank You for bringing to death the pride and envy in my life so that I can remain delivered from them and all associated and related spirits of envy and pride.
Father, I now ask You to command the coiled serpent dragon, Kundalini Leviathan, and all others of these evil dragon spirits and their armies to manifest only to leave here and in the authority of Your Son, ask that You command they do not manifest other than to leave peaceably and quietly. Father, I ask You to command Leviathan not to twist or wind or take control of my body or any pieces of my soul or spirit, but to only manifest to leave and to never return.
O Lord, please break the heads of the dragons in the waters. (Psalm 74:13) Cut off the head of every hydra in the Name of Jesus. Break the heads of Leviathan in pieces. (Psalm 74:14) Punish Leviathan, the piercing serpent, even Leviathan the crooked serpent, with Your severe, great, and strong sword. Slay the dragon that is in the sea. (Isaiah 27:1)
I break all curses of pride and Leviathan from my life, and the lives of my children, in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua. I ask that You purge all waters around me that have been charged with Leviathan through witchcraft, by forgiving those sins and flooding those rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, and oceans with Your Living Water. I declare Yahweh my Father and King, and clothe myself in garments of humility; I renounce all allegiance to Leviathan who is the king over all of the children of pride. (Job 41:34) I praise You that You are more powerful even than Leviathan and see that You created him as a provision, to feed the people of Yahweh in the wilderness in a future time, as You see fit. (Psalm 74:14)
I praise You that You will soon release the sword of the Lord against Leviathan (Isaiah 27:1) and break the strength of Leviathan’s neck. (Psalm 18:40) Yahweh, I know You can, and will, break the stony heart of Leviathan and crush it to pieces (Job 41:24) and I rejoice that You will break the teeth of Leviathan and pluck the spoil out of his mouth. Let not Leviathan, the father of the proud oppress me, (Psalm 119:122) but break Rahab in pieces, as one that is slain. Scatter Your enemies with Your strong arm. (Psalm 89:10) Strip the scales of Leviathan and take away his armor. (Job 41:15, Luke 11:22)
Father, forgive my breaking of Your law, a sin of arrogance, and set me free from the influence of the spirit of the world over my thoughts, desires, and actions. (Psalm 119:21) I ask You to bind every spiritual sea monster that would attack my life, home, nation, or region in the Name of Jesus/Yeshua. If they will not repent, I appeal to You to scatter and confuse the proud in the imagination of their hearts. (Luke 1:51)
Yahweh, You resist the proud, yet You give favor to the humble. Your power is against the high ones who have rebelled against You, yet the meek will inherit the Earth. Let not the foot of pride come against me and let not the hand of the wicked remove me. (Psalm 36:11)
Break the crown of pride (Isaiah 28:1) that I have worn and replace it with the Crown of Life You have offered to me instead. (James 1:12, Revelation 2:10) O Lord, render a just reward to the proud. (Psalm 94:2) Break the pride of Leviathan’s power as You will do to all who despise Your statutes and Your judgments. (Leviticus 26:15-21) Cast abroad the rage of thy wrath and abase the proud. (Job 40:11) Smite through the proud with Your understanding. (Job 26:12) Look on everyone who is proud, and bring him low; tread him down in his place. (Job 40:12)
Let the waters of the deep be boiled and be dried up, and destroy every spirit of Leviathan. (Job 41:31, Isaiah 44:27) I ask that You now bind and cast out all mind-control spirits of the octopus and squid in the Name of Jesus. I renounce all Vrill magic and the use of Vrill sticks or wands and ask that you destroy them with Your consuming fire. I call for a drought upon Leviathan’s waters (Jeremiah 50:38, Jeremiah 51:36) and I renounce and tear down every idol my ancestors and I have erected in the place of the Most High Elohim.
I ask that You bind me with Your cords that cannot be broken, to the fruit that comes from Your Set Apart Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23) In the places where the defiled spirits have lived or had influence over me, I instead ask You to fill them with Your presence and influence and bind me to faith which is the action of belief, hope which is expectation on You, and above all, love according to your definition. (1 Corinthians 13) Work in me to desire and to act according to Your purpose and to thirst for Your Word, Your Reign and Your Righteousness. I trust that all other things will be added to me and my life as You see fit, according to Your perfect will.
Father, all honor, all glory, and all power belong to You; thank You for my deliverance of these spirits. I ask that You renew chemical reactions in my brain and reset brainwave patterns that are not in alignment with Your created design. Help me break old habits of thinking and doing and create new ones that reflect the freedom You have given me today and the Truth of Your Word. Hallelujah, amen!
(Written by Collene James for “The Lie Effect: Overcoming Soul Abduction”)