No, not male pattern baldness—we’re talking here women (specifically celebrities) following the recent trend to shave their heads. Take for example, A-list actresses and singers such as Katy Perry, Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway, Kate Hudson, Willow Smith, Miley Cyrus, Amber Rose, Charlize Theron, Demi Moore, Cara Delevingne, Solange Knowles, Kristin Stewart, and Angelina Jolie…just to name a few.
What’s behind this trend? I have heard everything from feminism, lesbianism, to Illuminati shaming rituals. But these celebs are far from the first women on the planet to run around sporting a shorn noggin.
Women all throughout history have been subjected to having their heads shaved—not in the name of liberation or empowerment, but to be shamed for adultery—sort of the follicular version of the infamous scarlet letter.
In the wake of WWII, the French reinstituted this archaic practice upon French women who had been caught fraternizing with the German soldiers during the war. To add insult to injury, the women were then paraded down the city streets to the beat of a drum. Vive La France!
This practice was also carried out in the Middle Ages as a mark of shame, humiliation, and identification of adulterous women. This practice can also be traced back to the Visigoths who also carried on this practice in the Dark Ages. While many historians say this is where the practice originated, there is actually pretty strong evidence of this practice dating all the way back in the Old Testament.
Numbers 5:11-13 outlines the “Adultery Test.” If a man suspected his wife of being unfaithful, he was to take her to the priest. A grain offering of jealousy was presented. The woman was then brought forward to stand before the priest and some rituals with dust and holy water were performed. Then the woman stood before the LORD and her hair was let down (verse 18). The King James version says that the priest, “uncovers the woman’s head” in the sight of the LORD.
This simply sounds like her veil is removed, or her hair is unbound, and it falls down her back. And yet, much later, in the book of 1 Corinthians, Paul writes in chapter 11, verse 15, “But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.” This passage is a direct reference to the Corinthian women who had cropped hair.
“In an academic article on the subject, Dr. Phillip Payne writes, “The article in ‘the shorn woman’ implies a recognized class of woman, probably the accused adulteress whose disgrace paralleled the symbolism of loose hair, since by it a woman places on herself the accusation of adultery. This allusion perfectly fits the ‘bitter water’ ordeal of letting down the hair of a suspected adulteress (Num. 5:11-31) and, if she is convicted, of cutting off her hair.… This custom is paralleled in non- Jewish customs cited by Tacitus (A. D. 98), Germania, 19; Aristophanes 3, 204–07; and Dio Chrysostom (A.D. 100), Discourses, 64.2–3.”
There seems to be an emerging theme in many of the Nefarious Fashion Trend articles—and that is a link between fashion trends that were practiced amongst the adulteresses and prostitutes of antiquity, and the re-emergence of these trends upon modern America via Hollywood. And the shaved head trend is no exception.
Why are all these highly paid marketing pawns of the elite (aka A-list celebrities) advertising shaved heads as a mark of beauty? If shaved heads have historically been viewed as shaming to women, are they merely attempting to reverse this trend in the name of Feminism; or are they revealing to us who they truly are and what is in their hearts? And in pushing this trend upon the masses are women being duped into parading around in a hairstyle of whores as the ultimate form of mockery?