[Image credit: Robeson County Sheriff's Department]
Petersburg, Virginia: Less than a month after the bodies of ten dogs were recovered from a watery ditch during a clean-up in Robeson County, North Carolina, the bodies of at least three dogs have been recovered, this time during a clean-up in Petersburg, Virginia.
While working to clean up the Willcox Watershed Conservancy on Saturday, April 18, volunteers found the remains, some wrapped in a blanket, others in a bag.
"[The volunteer] found a blanket and it had dog bones in it and then he found another, a plastic bag or something and it had a dead animal carcass in it," Dr. Kenneth Lewis was quoted as saying by WRVR. "It was disturbing."
Volunteers contacted the police and animal control.
Petersburg Police Captain Emmanuel Chambliss stated that there was "No indication on how long the canines have been here based on their condition," and that there no tags or identifiers with the remains, just a blue collar.
"It's depressing because you found it, but it's even more depressing that a human being would do that to an animal," Lewis stated.