Stephen Michael Boggs, Jr., 53, of Selma, North Carolina. [Image credit: Horry County Detention Center]
Neighbors were accustomed to seeing 72-year-old Stephen Michael Boggs Sr, and his wife 71-year-old Brenda McFatter Boggs, as well as their son, 53-year-old Stephen Michael Boggs Jr coming and going from their residence in Selma, North Carolina.
Several weeks ago though, things changed and neighbors grew concerned.
Even the son that they were used to seeing frequently had not been seen in several weeks.
On Sunday, October 4, Johnston County Sheriff's deputies preformed a wellness check at the residence. After receiving no answer at the door, and seeing no sign of activity in the residence, an officer climbed through a window and discovered the bodies of the couple, and their family dog.
The couple had been dead "a considerable period of time," according to the Johnston County Sheriff's Office.
An autopsy revealed that they had been shot.
When reviewing the couple's financial records, recent activity was noted on their credit cards which led investigators to the couple's son. He was arrested at a hotel in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, approximately 153 miles southwest of the family home.
Boggs Jr was initially booked into the Horry County Detention Center and charged with concealment of death. This morning he was sent back to the Johnston County Detention Center where he has now been charged with murder.
The matter remains under investigation.