Editor's note: The information in this article will be triggering to some. Please exercise caution reading beyond the scheduled court dates.
Glasgow, Scotland: A 14-page indictment filed against 11 adults in the High Court in Glasgow reads much like any of a number of accounts penned by survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse. The indictment, discussed at length by some local media sources, details 43 charges against the individuals including attempted murder and sexual abuse.
The crimes are said to have taken place between January 2010 and March 2020 at various addresses throughout the city. At the center of the case are three children, two girls and one boy.
Iain Owens, 43, Elaine Lannery, 38, Lesley Williams, 40, Paul Brannan, 40, Marianne Gallagher, 37, Scott Forbes, 49, Barry Watson, 46, Mark Carr, 49, Richard Gachagan, 44, Leona Laing, 50, and John Clark, 46, have all denied the respective charges against them.
Also mentioned in the indictment were five other individuals who are now believed to be deceased. Those individuals are Maureen Goudie, Steven McHendrie, Robert Brown, James McLean and Douglas Gachagan.
At this time, the case is scheduled to last for approximately 8 weeks in September 2023. A hearing on the matter was additionally scheduled for some time in October 2022.
The indictment indicates that the children were all, at various times, sexually abused including some instances where individuals stood observing to "clap, cheer, and verbally encourage" the abusers.
Videos of the abuse were also recorded.
In the indictment, prosecutors state that all 11 individuals forced the elder girl and the boy to take part in seances and to use a Ouija board in order to "call on spirits and demons." After being involved in witchcraft, the children were reportedly led to believe that they had "metamorphosed into animals."
During some of the rituals that the children were forced to participate in, they allege that the adults would sometimes wear cloaks, devil horns and even masks, and force the children to kill animals.
One of the charges details that the boy was reportedly placed into a bath by Owens, Lannery, Williams, Brannan and Gallagher and told that it was filled with blood.
Owens, Lannery, Williams, Brannan and Clark are accused of abusing the younger of the two girls and even attempting to murder her while abusing her between December 2015 and June 2019.
During that time, the five are accused of making the girl "act like a dog" and feeding her pet food, chasing her while wearing a devil mask, hanging her by her jumper on a nail on the wall, and eventually placing the girl into a microwave, an oven, a freezer, and various cupboards.
The individuals charged also face separate drug charges with mention in the indictment that one of the girls was allegedly forced to take drugs and the boy was forced to "courier controlled drugs" on their behalf.