Recently I [Jared] was gifted a book that comprised a collection of various authors contributing their professional thoughts on the subject of Satanic ritual Abuse and the complex circumstances that accompany it. It is aptly titled “Satanic Ritual Abuse In The 21st Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social, and Political Considerations”. I wanted to bring some statistics out into the public that are presented in the book in order to help facilitate discussion amongst those that have come to believe that there is no real evidence of SRA occurring worldwide. On page 18 the author cites an online survey that was administered for research and produced some interesting numbers. I have taken a section of the chapter and presented it here as a point of interest for those curious about the subject and also interested in exploring resources that better help elaborate actual research that has taken place but never emerged in the main stream as so often is the case with this topic.
“Yet another category of ritual should be considered. Generations of men and women report victimization by ritual abuse perpetrated on them from early childhood. Inevitably, these informants also have severe dissociative experiences that interfere with their ability to engage in gainful employment and perform activities of daily living. Victims report that the rituals are designed to produce introjects or alter personality states who engage in various behaviors against the conscious will of the victim. Their narrations include examples of torture, deprivation, and deception, allegedly used to condition victims for use in pornography, prostitution, and other deviant or illegal activities.
In a recent online survey, survivors of extreme abuse were invited to respond to a number of items designed to delineate the range of abuses, characteristics of the abuse, psychological and physical sequelae, and impact on education, employment, revictimization, and interpersonal relationships. Almost 1,500 individuals from 30 different countries responded to the invitation to participate. These respondents identified their abuse experiences as including (1) incest; (2) child pornography and prostitution; (3) sexual abuse by multiple perpetrators: (4) being caged; (5) starvation; (6) bestiality; (7) buried alive; (8) electroshock; (9) sensory deprivation; (10) sleep deprivation; (11) forced cannibalism, (12) secret government-sponsored mind control experiments. Of those respondents who reported suffering extreme abuse in childhood, 55% reported abuse in a Satanic cult. Of the 257 respondents who reported secret mind control experimentation, 69% also reported having been ritually abused in a Satanic cult.
In the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, South America, Canada, Australia, and in other countries, ritually based crimes or crimes with elements of ritual abuse have been reported and prosecuted. Despite a backlash that denies empirical evidence of ritual abuse, author Michael Newton (1997) accumulated data on convictions where ritual child abuse was a component feature. Of the 145 defendants who were sentenced, only 17 (11.7%) were reversed on appeal. Newton reported that these reversals did not necessarily indicate that the defendants were innocent of the accusations. In some instances, the decisions were reversed based on legal technicalities and offered no opinion as to whether the crime occurred. In one of the more notorious trials involving allegations of ritual abuse, the case of the McMartin Preschool in Manhattan Beach, California, the majority of the jurors polled at the end of the second trial ending in a hung jury reported that they believed defendant Ray Buckey was guilty, but that the State had not proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Quote taken from chapter 1 called “Rituals: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” written by Randy Noblitt in 2008. If this brief section of the book peeks your interest I would encourage you to acquire a copy for your own personal research and to explore the thoughts of those who have been professionally counseling victims for years subsequently navigating the murky waters of SRA willingly or not.