Father, Your Name is Power. Your Name is Faithful. Your Name is Healer. You are Holy, Holy, Holy and I cry to You the Lord God Almighty. There is none like You. Your holiness is infinite, reaching beyond the boundaries of the heavens and the universe. You are perfect in beauty and majestic in Your perfection. There is no flaw or blemish in You. You are pure. You are morally and ethically perfect. You are absolute goodness and light and there is no darkness in You. You cannot be contained, nor can You be explained.
You are perfect Love. You are high and lifted up and Your Son, Yeshua, is seated at Your right hand making intercession for me.
You put all powers and principalities beneath His feet (Psalm 8:6, 1 Corinthians 15:7) and they are subject to Your commands. Your kabod and shekinah glory, the presence and out-poured manifestation of Your beauty– fill not only the earth but the heavens.
My heart’s desire is that You fill me. The radiance of Your glory gives light and everlasting life to all who accept Your Son, Yeshua, as their Savior. I know it is Your Son’s desire that I be filled with the same glory you gave Him. Anyone who believes in Your Son, Yeshua, as the ruling and reigning King will obey Your commands. You are unchangeable and constant– the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever.
You are sovereign, omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. Time is in Your hands and time flows from Your mind and was created just for me, for You are outside of time. The time You created for me carries the whole world in Your prophetic grip like a river in the direction of Your perfect will. Who am I in this great flood of Your timeline or purpose? This is too much for me to comprehend, so I will trust You. I can scarcely comprehend all You have shown me, but Your Word is Truth and this I cannot deny.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I worship You as the Godhead. Father, I praise the great Name of Your Son, Yeshua; the Name above every other name for You are all worthy of my full attention. Because of the fullness of who You are, I will bow down before You and You alone.
Your word says, “Be holy because I Am Holy.” Your purpose is for me to be consecrated and sanctified. In my full surrender, I am made wholly by You that I may fulfill Your prophecies about me. I am made holy to join You in the work of Your Kingdom, filled with Your glory light and emanating Your likeness and glory. For this reason, I will be quick to punish every act of disobedience so that I may continue walking in Your Light.
Thank you, Father, that I began today, the prophetic journey designed for me before the foundations of the earth were laid. I will carry out the prepared, pre-planned vision You have for me by grace through faith. For this reason, I have hope. My hope is eternal. I am designed and preparing to rule and reign with You and the Kingdom of God for eternity.
Father, circumcise my heart. Cut away my sinful flesh, my pride, my rebellion and all that separates me from humility and servanthood. Sever and loose all the ties of the enemy that have a grip on my mind, my heart, my will and my emotions. Cutaway the veil that separates me from You. I renounce, confess and repent of any negative emotions like rebellion, anger, unforgiveness, hatred and fear, and every sin in my life that has set itself up against You.
I repent of ever believing I am the owner of any of the gifts You have given me. I repent for stealing Your glory and trying to make it my own. Father, I repent of looking for my security, value, comfort in the world, instead of You. Forgive me if I lack the courage to stand against culture. Show me any places that I have allowed cultural influences to replace You on the throne of my life, especially cultural movements rooted in the occult. This includes the shows that I watch, the music I listen to and the books I read. I want to worship You and You alone, but too often I have fallen far too short of that desire. I repent, Father. Please forgive me, and I forgive myself.
Father, with Your help and Your unlimited power, I come to You with a heart posture of surrender and humility. I consecrate everything I am to You – all I have, all I am and all I will ever be.
I offer myself to You, Father. This is including but not limited to my time, my possessions, my wealth, my reputation, my family, my relationships, my accomplishments and my ministry. I consecrate and offer up my hopes, my dreams, my desires and most important, my will. All of these things and more I offer to You, Lord God Almighty. They all belong to You, for You alone are worthy to receive these things to be used for Your glory. I consecrate MY ALL to You.
I consecrate each day to You. I consecrate my hands, my eyes, my ears, my thoughts, my words and my actions to You every day. I pray that my eyes would see You, my ears would hear You and that my heart would fear You. I offer them all to You as “instruments of righteousness.” Consecrate, sanctify and separate all of these, that I may be a “living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to You.”
Father, I lay upon Your Altar of Consecration; with this comes all my pain, my heart, my anger, hatred, my sin, my fear, my bitterness, my resentment and my own forgiveness and any offense. This includes all of the defiling, desecrating and unrighteous acts done by me and done to me. I am able to lay upon this alter knowing that Your Son, Yeshua, died for each and every one of these things. I want to leave this place set free, set apart, holy and whole.
I confess and believe that if I truly place my trust in the death, burial and resurrection of Your Son, Yeshua, I will be healed. The cross was for me and it has the power to heal me emotionally, deliver me spiritually and set me free from condemnation, shame, guilt, fear, anxiety, depression and despair. It has the power to break any curses spoken over me by myself or others.
Father, today I bind my heart to Your Heart, my mind to Your mind, my will to Your will and my ways to Your ways. Father, in Your Son’s Name, the Name above all names, Yeshua HaMashiach, I lose any stronghold of thinking, negative emotions, and every critical thought that keeps me from knowing and loving You as my God. Forgive me for gossiping.
Father, with all my heart, soul, mind and strength I want to be fully surrendered and in love with You. I want Your vision, Your mission, Your peace, Your joy, and am in need of Your help. Open the door of my heart so I can release the Kingdom of God into the kingdom of this world. Strengthen me to take back the territory, push back the darkness, and defeat the power of the enemy as your grace and power works through me.
As I am faithful to armor up, Father, You will be faithful to place a shield of protection around about me and assign any and all angels necessary to watch over me with each assignment given. I also understand and acknowledge that as I surrender myself fully to You, I am on Satan’s radar screen and the battle has now begun.
Father, I have placed my trust in You. Help me now to place all things into the palm of Your hands, for You are faithful. Apart from You, none of this is possible. There is no better place to live than under the shadow of Your wings for You are my Protector, my Deliverer, my Healer and my God.
I seal all these things in the Name of Your precious Son, Yeshua HaMashiach, believing by faith that this work has already begun, and You will see it to completion. Hallelujah, amen!
(Guest Author, Connie Stoffel- An Excerpt from “The Lie Effect: Overcoming Soul Abduction” by Collene James & Nancy Bowser.)