Abandoned Home
The purpose of this prayer is two-fold. The first is to identify and remove demonic, evil spirits and their influence from your home and property, and second, to dedicate and consecrate it to Yahweh, inviting His presence- His kingdom- to rule and to reign there. This prayer is an example and a guide, however, there is no formula. Even though we have included certain common demonic principalities, we encourage you to listen to the Holy Spirit to direct you specifically in regards to the history of your home that may have opened doors to evil spirits, and to the specific spirits that need to be dealt with. Obey the leading of the Holy Spirit in your prayer even if you have no knowledge or understanding of it. The Lord does know and He will use your prayer of obedience to remove Satan’s legal rights of iniquity that were gained through generational transgressions and sins, as well as your own and those left behind by previous home or land owners.
Property Line
Yahweh, as I cross over each day, and as I now walk the line of my property, I ask for my feet to be cleansed with Your Living Water and shod with Your Gospel of Peace. As You have done for us, Your people, in the past, I ask that You would restore my territory here spiritually, as well as physically, according to Your Word. I ask You to drive out the enemy that is set up in this place, who is stronger than I, but not You, and that by Your Spirit, you would move them out in fear and dread because of Your Great Name which You have placed upon me in the Messiah. (Deuteronomy 11:23-25)
I invite Your presence to walk with me and to reveal the dangers, openings and snares of the enemy as we walk together here. Where my feet tread, I ask You to set guards of Your heavenly hosts, as You see fit, as far above and below the earth of this, my legally inhabited property. I trust Your protection and my hiding place under the shelter of the shadow of Your wings. I ask that what I am about to renounce and repent for here today would be hidden from those who would seek to retaliate. I ask that all fallen angels, demons and surveying spirits of any kind would be blocked from seeing, understanding, or reporting to cause chaos, destruction or unrest in my life or in the life of my family.
I anoint all corners of this property and declare and decree that all counterfeit foundations that have been laid or built into this land spiritually and physically are hereby dismantled, uprooted, and demolished. I renounce all associations, connections, influences and assignments of, and with, false cornerstones that lay claim to this property. I proclaim that this land, property and all that is built upon it, from this moment on, is under the legal ownership and leadership of the Most High God, and everything herein will be built on the solid Rock, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach.
I declare this place to be a spiritual light to the nations, my neighbors, and a place of refuge for the righteous.
Lord God, Jehovah, I anoint the foundation of the four corners of this house. I don’t know the spiritual intentions of those who laid the foundation or the spiritual effects or consequences. Therefore, I ask for the blood of the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world, to be poured out upon this foundation and its cornerstone, to forgive and cleanse it from all iniquity and to remove all demonic spirits attached to it. I ask that You, Jesus, the Rock, the True Cornerstone will take Your place as the firm foundation of this house, both physically and spiritually.
Front Door
Father, I humble myself before You and I repent of all my rebellion. Please forgive my pride. Thank You for this house. I anoint the door and the door post with oil, which is representative of Your blood and the Holy Spirit. I ask You to forgive the sins that have been welcomed onto this land and into this home, to cleanse and purify it. I declare that Satan, his minions, and his works are not welcome here any longer.
In Jesus’s Name, by the power and authority He has given me, I command all evil spirits that are bound to this house and property, in it, around it, above and below it, to be loosed. I separate you from your functions and through the blood of Jesus, I cancel your rights and assignments. Father, I ask You to shut the gates of hell, which have been opened into this home through the breaking of your law, and open the gates of heaven here so that only the righteous which guard the truth can enter in. (Isaiah 26:2) Holy Spirit, You are welcome here now. Please come and occupy my home. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done in my home as it is in Heaven. As I pray though each room, please show me what I need to know.
Living Room
Jesus, Yeshua, as I anoint the doorways and windows in this room, I invite and welcome Your holy presence to come and live in this room, this home. I ask You to forgive the sins that have been committed in here, to cleanse it with the blood of Jesus. I repent of all ungodliness that has taken place in the past, and that I have engaged in or allowed others to engage in.
This is a room where family and friends gather and fellowship. It is a place of building relationships. Communication is key in building and maintaining healthy relationships, and so in Jesus’s Name, I bind the spirit of Leviathan that tries to twist understanding of all forms of communication in order to cause strife and division between people, to destroy relationships. I loose the Spirit of Truth, unity, wisdom and understanding, and I pray that the Fruit of the Spirit will be prevalent in our family relationships.
This is also a room of technological entertainment. Please forgive our transgression of allowing ungodliness, sexual perversion, violence, the occult, etc. to come into our home through technology. Please forgive our sin of idolatry, of putting entertainment before You. Holy Spirit, please reveal any items that are displeasing to You so that I can destroy them. I am committed to making this room a place that honors You, that declares Your Word, and that welcomes and encourages the Kingdom of God in our family.
In Jesus’s Name, I command all demonic and evil spirits, principalities and powers, to release my family from your influence, and to leave this room and this house and to go wherever Jesus tells you.
Holy Spirit, I welcome You. I choose to worship You in this room, which will be evidenced in all that is done and said here, and I ask that this room would be a physical sanctuary for my family, and for all who come here, that Your presence will minister truth, conviction, peace, comfort, hope, healing and freedom.
Kitchen and Dining Room
Lord God, Yahweh, this room is the hub of the home, where food is fixed and served. As I anoint the doors and windows, I consider how hungry people know to look in the kitchen to find their sustenance. Just as healthy food is necessary for a healthy body, Your Word is what our spirits and souls need to feast on in order to be spiritually, emotionally and mentally healthy. Please forgive us for looking to the counterfeits of food, alcohol, drugs, medications, and the like, for comfort, satisfaction and healing rather then trusting in You and Your Word. Please forgive my overindulgence- I renounce the spirits of gluttony, of anorexia, of bulimia, of addiction, of obsession, and of excess.
As we sit at the table to eat and to fellowship, I invite You to sit at the head of the table, to be the leader of this family. I repent of any alignment in this family with the Jezebel and Ahab spirits. I repent of using control and manipulation, and on the flip side of that, I repent of apathy and complacency, of laziness and/or indifference, of being satisfied with things as they are when they are not up to Your Kingdom’s standards.
Jesus, You are the Bread of Life and our Living Water. Help us to diligently read, internalize and digest Your Word daily. I look to You to be my strength and song, to lead and guide me. Holy Spirit, come and fill me with Your presence, and help me to exhibit Your fruit in all I do and say.
Father, the bathroom represents a place of cleansing, and it is also a place to relieve ourselves of waste. In Your kingdom, forgiveness is the key that releases us from the bondage of bitterness, anger, hatred, and shame. So Lord Jesus, as I anoint this room, I am remembering that You chose to forgive me. Your blood cleanses me from all sin, my own and other’s that was done against me. I am choosing to release those who have hurt me, to forgive them. I know this is a process and every time I come into this room, help me to remember to continue to be willing to forgive, and I trust You to cleanse and heal my broken spirit, soul and body as I obey You.
Spirit of Belial, I specifically renounce you, spirit of wickedness, worthlessness, hopelessness and shame that has attached to me through pain, trauma and abuse. I renounce all sin associated with this spirit, whose ultimate goal is to cast off restraint. I reject, renounce and disown the influence of this spirit, who uses abuse to establish the belief that one is worthless, and then influences people to accept and obey his lies. This tactic will now no longer motivate me to repeat the sinful acts of abuse, to perpetuate and pass on the cycle, or to become a hopeless, helpless victim that continues to be tormented and abused. In Jesus’s Name, I cancel the assignment of repeated abuse, trauma and victimization over me and my family.
Father I ask you to swallow up the veil that has been placed over our eyes when we look into the mirrors in this room. Help us to see ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually as You see us. I renounce the spirit of Narcissism and the worship of myself. I ask You to forgive me for viewing myself as more important than others and as better than I am.
I ask that You protect this room and its mirrors from being used to view in through witchcraft and sorcery of any kind. By Your Set Apart Spirit, I ask that You close any portals of the enemy that have been opened into my home through these means. In this room I invite you to reveal the hidden things of my heart and my motives and help me and my family to walk away from these mirrors and not forget what we look like to You. (James 1:21-25)
I renounce pride that says I am either unlovable or without sin. I accept that I am loved, not by what I have done, but because of who You are and that I am bent away from righteousness in my natural mind. I reject and disown all beliefs that I, my spouse, or my children are worthless, unlovable or shameful. I declare and choose to believe and put on the truth that I and my family are the beloved of God, that we are of the greatest value to Him which was demonstrated in His sacrificial love as He willingly gave His life on the cross to rescue us out of the hand of the enemy, to save us from all sin, and that He rose from the dead in power to redeem and restore us to relationship with Himself. My hope and trust is in Christ Jesus.
Holy Spirit, I choose to walk in the Light of Truth, the Love of Christ and obedience to Your Word. I trust You to lead and guide me, and I declare that Christ is my righteousness. In Him and through Him I will overcome.
Father, these rooms were fashioned as places of restoration for our physical bodies, for intimacy and unity in our relationship with our spouses, and where children can play, study, and sleep peacefully. However, Satan has used these rooms for perverse purposes. I ask You to forgive all the sins that have taken place in these bedrooms. Father, I ask You to cleanse them with the blood of Jesus. In Jesus’s Name and with the power of His blood, I bind every perverse, defiling spirit that has gained a place of influence in these rooms, and I cancel and annul your legal rights and terminate your assignments.
Incubus, Succubus, I specifically renounce you and all associations with you. I repent of opening doors to or entering into covenant with this principality through vivid dreams and any and all forms of pornography and sexual sin. I repent of all iniquity through family lines or transgressions that took place in this home in the past. I do not want any of this spirit’s counterfeit fulfillment. It is not welcome in my waking moments or in my dreams. As I anoint these rooms, I am asking You, Yeshua, to forgive the sins and to shut all doors on this enemy. I repent for all unholy games, conversations, thoughts and emotions that have been present in these rooms and ask that You would forgive those sins and nullify their power in the Messiah.
Yahweh, I ask that You forbid the use of fear or lust through nightmares or dreams to feed Your enemy and I now renounce and sever all agreements and covenants to them through these means. I ask that You will give discernment and exposure of deceiving spirits, such as imaginary friends, that present themselves as benign beings to our children, and in Yeshua’s Name, I break all contracts my children have made with them in the false name of friendship. Bind us all instead to You by Your cords that cannot be broken through Your Covenant of Love.
I also recognize our human need for sleep and restoration of the body and mind. I ask that You forbid all workings of the rule of Chronos against us, who would manipulate time- shortening our time for rest and repair or lengthening our time of labor and physical, mental or emotional slavery. I ask that You cancel all witchcraft or sorcery assignments against me or my family while we are vulnerable in our sleep and that Your Spirit would guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus while we dream. Recall quickly to our spirits, Your Word, to bring peace and rest where there is restlessness, shame or fear. Whisper over us with Your singing here in this place. I invite Your presence to speak to me and show me things of Your Truth while I sleep, if You so choose.
I open the door to You, Holy Spirit. Please come and fill these bedrooms with Your holy, righteous presence. I desire an intimate, love relationship with You, and I pray that my spouse and my children will come to desire You above all else. Please help me to diligently teach my children Your Word, and how to know, love, worship and serve You.
Back Door
Father, I am reminded of Balaam, who was unable to curse the Israelites with his divination, and so he found another way, a back door, so to speak. He counseled the women of Moab to seduce Israel’s men, and under the guise of neighborliness, they invited the people to participate in sacrifices to their gods. Israel ate with them and bowed down to their gods. This open door of sin caused problems for many generations. (Numbers 22-25)
Lord Jesus, I repent of my selfish desires through which I could be enticed to open the door to the enemy. Please cleanse, heal and change my heart. Give me Your heart and mind. Help me to recognize temptation, to humbly submit to You, and to resist the devil so that he will flee from me.
Holy Spirit, I ask You to reveal any evil spirits that I have unknowingly allowed in through the back door of my home. I renounce and reject the spirit of Kundalini, who is Python, a spirit of Divination, Witchcraft, New Age, and Occultism. I also renounce all rebellion that has been allowed in, which is to You as the sin of witchcraft. These mindsets have become such an integral part of our culture that it has tried to sneak into my home unnoticed. I understand that if it goes undetected and we become comfortable with it, it will begin to wrap itself around us until it smothers and crushes us spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and even physically, just as a python does with its prey. I invite Your Spirit to quickly reveal to my spirit, all forms of rebellion and witchcraft so that I can crush the serpent’s head and eradicate them from my heart, mind and home.
Father, I anoint this back door in the Name of Yeshua, Jesus Christ. I ask for wisdom and a discerning spirit for all that knocks on this door of my home, as well as on the heart’s door of my family. I ask for holy angels to stand guard, and for the Holy Spirit to alert and convict me of danger.
Lord God, Jehovah, I dedicate and consecrate myself, my home and family to You, and I choose to take responsibility as teacher, trainer, watchman and warrior. I ask You to be the guard to every entry to my home including vents, windows, doors, gas lines, chimneys, electrical lines, sewer and fresh water lines, and basement walls and floors. I ask that You would put a seal over them with Your Holy Spirit so that none could come against us in this place, including hitchhiking or piggy-backing spirits and drop-off spirits that visitors might leave behind. Please send angels to help in accomplishing Your will for our home. This home and family is now set apart to You and You alone.
I declare and decree that I “Now fear the Lord, and serve Him with sincerity and faithfulness. I Put away the gods my fathers served…. I Serve the Lord…. I Choose today whom I will serve…. as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:14-15)
(Excerpt from “The Lie Effect: Overcoming Soul Abduction” By Collene James & Nancy Bowser)