The False Memory Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 1992 by Peter and Pam Freyd. The foundation was started after Peter’s adult daughter accused him of having sexually abused her as a child.
For the past 27 years, the False Memory Foundation has been disseminating data about “False Memory Syndrome.” (The foundation quietly announced their dissolution December 31, 2019). The foundation did not exist to deny child abuse or pedophilia exists and/or that said crimes should go unpunished. Rather, it pointed to people who have repressed memories of abuse, but who wait until adulthood to “conveniently remember” their trauma. Victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), or those claiming to have split personalities or altars were specifically targeted by the foundation as voices to be discredited. The foundation covers its politically-correct bases by stating that, while these memories are categorically false, “the person strongly believes the memories are real.” But all this does is deflect potential victims from being viewed as liars, to instead being viewed as deluded, or to quote the laymen’s term: crazy.
Please note that False Memory Syndrome is not a “syndrome” so much as it is a phrase birthed in the minds of its creators (the Freyds) and is not recognized as a legitimate psychiatric disease, syndrome, or disorder by the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association).
Many zetetic thinkers argue that “False Memory Syndrome” is nothing more than a pseudo-psychiatric defense strategy contrived by perpetrators of sexual or ritual abuse to divert attention away from their crimes. Such skeptics of FMS have put forth the argument that if there can be false memories, can there not also be false denials of those memories?
Nearly three decades of false memory propaganda later, the tide is now taking a drastic turn. The repressed memories of victims of trauma (specifically those who have experienced levels of abuse that have resulted in altars or split personalities) are now suddenly being put forth by the media, not as deluded, crazy, or false, but as “extraordinary.”
An episode of 60 Minutes Australia was published to You Tube on May 27, 2019, entitled, “Woman with 2,500 personalities says they saved her from shocking child abuse.” The program introduces us to a woman named Jeni Haynes. The news piece begins with a picture of Jeni and a slogan reading, “Jeni’s Army.” The commentator opens with, “As a young girl, Jeni suffered years of unimaginable horror, to withstand it, her brain created multiple personalities to help her cope with the pain.”
Throughout the interview, Jeni is referred to numerous times as “extraordinary.” As the interview continues, the adjectives rise to a crescendo of praise for the human mind, climaxing during a dialogue between the interviewer and Dr. George Blair-West, where Dr. Blair-West states, “[Jeni’s] first superpower is her capacity to endure pain. Her second superpower is her memory.” He then goes on to praise the super-human brain functionality that Jeni benefits from because of her army of altars there to help, assist, and protect her.
(I also found it interesting that three out of the five wardrobe changes Jeni modeled throughout the duration of her interview featured prominent butterfly patterns—a common sigil of the MK Ultra, Monarch mind control programs that many SRA and DID survivors endured).
Anyone who has done a minimal amount of research on topics such as Transhumanism, super soldiers, MK-Ultra mind control, or SRA can read between the lines and see what is happening in Dr. Blair-West’s very well-scripted quote. What we have here, folks, is a tactical shift in strategy that, I believe, hints at a coming disclosure. In less than 30 years, victims of SRA and DID have gone from being labeled as Schizophrenics to now being touted as superheroes. Why the sudden shift? Perhaps The Black Awakening (as detailed in Russ Dizdar’s book of the same name) is now nipping at our heels?
But it does not stop there.
Several weeks after watching the 60 Minutes Australia documentary, I stumbled upon the M. Night Shyamalan flick, “Split.” I sat through the entire 2-hour snooze fest for one reason and one reason only. I wanted to know if the film would push the same “Altars are awesome!” agenda. (In fairness, I watched the flick a second time many months later–and like most Shyamalan movies, the genius of it doesn’t really “click” during the first viewing).
I was not disappointed.
IMDB succinctly summarizes the plotline of Split as, “Three girls are kidnapped by a man with a diagnosed 23 distinct personalities. They must try to escape before the apparent emergence of a frightful new 24th.”
The main “Altars are awesome!” protagonist of this piece of cinematic newspeak is the main character’s therapist, Dr. Karen Fletcher. Fletcher repeatedly interrupts the plotline to extol the virtues and the excellencies; the advantages and the benefits of the “gift” of D.I.D.—much like those relentless J. J. Wentworth commercials that play ad nauseum whilst trying to get through an hour of TV viewing.
The tension of the movie is created by the timing of whether the mysterious “24th altar” will make an appearance before the three girls are able to escape or be rescued. (Because, of course, even though the 23 altars interacting with the three kidnapped girls are goofy, creepy, or, at times, in need of a Ritalin-laced donut…they are all, of course, a fun gang of folks to have around. None of them would ever want to hurt the girls—they are all merely there to reinforce within the unsuspecting, highly-susceptible audience that “Altars are awesome!”)
Also, interesting to note, the 23 altars are referred to in the film as, “The Horde”—which bears a striking resemblance to the 60 Minutes Australia verbiage: Jeni’s Army.
Back to the film, the “24th altar is the real brains behind the operation. Unless, of course, you ask Dr. Fletcher, who spends most of the film trying to convince “Kevin” that the 24th altar is not another altar at all, because “none of the other 23 altars have met #24.” Dr. Fletcher’s theory is that #24 is not another altar, but an external entity of some kind who wants to take control of the other 23 altars. Dennis (one of the 23 altars) has his own theory. Dennis believes that #24 is a “sentient creature.” Oh, and one more thing, the 24th altar is—a bit cliché—but not surprisingly, named, “The Beast” [insert gratuitous eye roll here].
Before I go any further, I would like to simply share a few quotes from the movie with you.
- Kevin: Tonight is a sacred night. You will be in the presence of something greater. The world will understand now. The Beast is real.
- Dennis: The Beast is a sentient creature who represents the highest form of humans’ evolution. He believes the time of ordinary humanity is over. I hope this makes you feel calm. You will be in the presence of something greater.
- The Beast: We are glorious! We will no longer be afraid.
- The Beast: You are different from the rest. Your heart is pure! Rejoice! The broken are the more evolved. Rejoice.
Something greater.
Highest form of humans’ evolution.
Ordinary humanity is over.
We are glorious!
That’s four scrumptious scoops of agitprop, and here’s the cherry on top:
The Beast: Only through pain can you achieve your greatness! The impure are the untouched, the unburned, the unslain. Those who have not been torn have no value in themselves and no place in this world! They are asleep!
The broken are more evolved?
Only through pain can you achieve greatness?
Those who have not been torn have no value?
Anyone who believes that Mr. Shyamalan randomly stumbled upon this plotline while doing a creative brainstorming exercise in his journal one morning needs to be shaken out of their stupor. This is not some artistic cinematic venture from the mind of a creative genius—this is New World Order, occult ritual abuse propaganda. And this flick is full-on end times disclosure.
Having said that (SPOILER ALERT!) let me summarize the ending of Split. After one of the three kidnapped girls discovers that the core personality, Kevin Wendall Crumb, could be “called forward” and perhaps give her a clue as to how she might escape—the 23 altars form a cerebral lynch mob, overtake Kevin Crumb, and forever bury him within the shattered recesses of Kevin’s mind—never to be called forward again. (The suspected physical death (murder) of Kevin Crumb is even announced on the evening news). With Kevin at last subdued, The Beast enters the host body and finally “introduces” himself to the 23 altars—all in awe after having highly anticipated his long-awaited arrival. The 23 altars all step aside, roll out the red carpet, and The Beast assumes the throne as Kevin’s front-facing identity. (This final scene unfolds as several of Kevin’s altars and the Beast have a Gollumesque tete-a-tete with themselves in front of multiple mirrors (multiple or shattered reflections in a mirror being an esoteric symbol of trauma-based mind control).
An alternate ending is included after the closing credits. In this ending, The Beast takes his “Horde” of 23 altars to the roof of a high office building and has them all looking down on the people below. (Queue mental image of Lucifer taking Christ to the top of the temple mount here). Dennis (one of the 23 altars) says, “Look at all those unbroken souls.” To which, Patricia, another of the 23 altars, replies, “Such a waste.”
Translation: Regular, ordinary people who have not been fractured, split, sexually or ritualistically abused, and taken over by a demonic host via trauma-based mind control have not reached the highest potential of human evolution.
How many films, cartoons, books, comics, news stories, and documentaries full of quotes and plotlines such as these will it take before the masses dutifully adopt this demonic dogma?
Remember when movies with an R-rating used to begin with a warning, “Viewer discretion is advised”? I’m not sure if this tagline is still used, but I find it interesting that there is an online message board where a user asks, “What does ‘user discretion is advised’ mean?” The question is followed by a steady stream of attempts by fellow millennials to unwind this antiquated riddle.
Friends, its time to bring this slogan back into vogue. Whether it’s a movie, a TV show, the nightly news, or simply an advertisement selling painkillers—viewer discretion IS advised. As keepers of the Covenant, we must not allow ourselves to “veg out” or “zone out” in front of our devices. We must not let Lucifer lobotomize us with his demented drivel. The highest form of human evolution is receiving a righteous resurrection body purchased for us by the blood of Jesus Christ; NOT through some satanic purification via pain trauma-based mind control ritual where our minds are shattered and taken over by a demonic host.
Viewer discretion is advised—or even better, shut the stupid thing OFF.
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”
1 Peter 5:8