Elon Musk is once again making headlines, this time by stating that Nuralink, a company touting "breakthrough technology for the brain," could potentially be starting human trials before the end of the year. "If things go well."
Touted as a potential cure for neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, Musk told people in a Clubhouse broadcast of the "Good Time Show" on Sunday that the company had successfully implanted a chip into the brain of a monkey enabling him to play videogames with just his mind.
""We've already got a monkey with a wireless implant in their skull, and the tiny wires, who can play video games using his mind," he explained. "One of the things we're trying to figure out is can we have the monkeys play mind 'Pong' with each other. That would be pretty cool."
Musk described the monkey as "not an unhappy monkey" and said that, "you can't even see where the neural implant was put in, except that he's got a slight like dark mohawk."
As a result, people have already started reaching out to him hoping to volunteer for the human trials.
In response to the volunteer, Musk stated, "Neuralink is working super hard to ensure implant safety & is in close communication with the FDA. If things go well, we might be able to do initial human trials later this year."
Previously, during a symposium in 2019, Musk had stated that "We hope to have this in a human patient by the end of next year," so whether or not the trials actually begin remains to be seen.
During that same presentation, Musk explained that "Ultimately" his goal is "to achieve a symbiosis with artificial intelligence" because even with a "benign scenario" mere humans would inevitably be "left behind" compared to those that embrace "merging with AI."
In 2019, head surgeon for Neuralink, Matthew MacDougall explained that they were looking at the procedure becoming a simple out-patient procedure, "something more like Lasik" eye surgery. Initial trials would not be that simplistic.
Musk called the interface "a Fitbit in your skull" when giving an update on Neuralink in August of last year. He mused that the chip could possibly cure paralysis and even give people something like telepathic powers.
For those wishing to know more about the rise of AI and the transhumanistic movement in general as it related to Scripture, pastor Billy Crone has taught a 24-week-session on the AI invasion available on his website here.